If you have tens of thousands of dollars, then why are you not paying everyone up front? That's not to imply a scam or impropriety on your part, but why would someone want to volunteer for free when you have money?
If you have money for marketing and festivals, but not for the people's time; you face an uphill battle convincing those same people that a deferred payout is possible, especially if they have experience.
The plan is to maximize everyone's chance of seeing a profit by cloning out resources in the initial stage, and thus generating many times the value of what we are actually spending. It's also worth noting that to computer animators value render farm time highly. In the instance of that purchase, every team member would have access to render time that would cost over 10,000 via something like render rocket. That is in comparison to handing out 20 5,000 dollar paychecks, and then not being able to produce the film. I'd think people would be glad to see a collective project where money was being spent directly on improving their chances of producing a well liked film. I'm not paying myself anything either, it's 100% reinvestment, till we all have a real, and equal chance at success.