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Mods need to grow a pair.

This is an example of what's holding IndieTalk back. An amateur asking for professional advice and gets abusive when s/he doesn't like the response. Failure to stomp this behavior will encourage the fools to cause a further exodus of experience elsewhere.

Instead of insulting the staff, why not report the posts in question? We have 0 reported posts, and yet you complain about moderation. You assume the staff has read the posts in question and done nothing about it when in fact it was just brought to my attention by your post, and now has been addressed. The proper way to let us know is the exclamation icon on a post. I have made the icon a little more clear.

"If you see something, say something." Because we can't catch it all and rely on reporting, just like any social site you visit.

I think that discussion is what makes inditalk great.



You're an ego maniac. Looking at your other posts you have a history of being the biggest know it all douche in the room. Bye loser.
If a pro like APE leaves because of this behavior then he is the fool.

You might, but in no way would I consider these examples either part of the discussion or part of what makes indietalk great.

I will no longer offer advice to struggle but there are many who will. In my opinion
if a mod were to stop this passion from being expressed indietalk would be a lesser
place. We need the pro advice and we need the dedicated, experienced amateur
advice. We will always have an "itsastruggle" who doesn't want to learn. We need
then, too.

Look, I hear what you're saying. It's a different topic to my post. When the mods accept that a hostile treatment of professionals/experienced amateurs is the status quo, how many of those professionals/experienced would you expect to remain with the mods allowing such poor treatment.

I'd like to be clear. Discussion and disagreement should be encouraged. Passion = encouraged. Having the line crossed to where users receive personal abuse should not be tolerated. Mods need to grow a pair, nip it in the bud well before it becomes an issue. Allowing newer users to get away with blue murder only encourages more poor behavior.

Another point. There have been multiple high quality discussions that have been overtaken and derailed due to mud slinging. It's the abuse that hinders the discussion.

Instead of insulting the staff, why not report the posts in question?

Within the context of this thread, it's what I would like to see out of Indietalk. This would appear to be a better place to discuss the issue. It has little to do with individual threads/posts. The link was an example of what I see is the issue.

When I first registered 4 years ago, I remember Indietalk had a lot more active experienced users who consistently doled out mostly good advice. These days I see a common pattern of post a question, get a good answer, user doesn't like the answer and the s**t hits the fan.

If you want the professionals and the experienced amateurs to remain, something needs to change. It'll be sad when users decide reddit and Facebook groups offer more with less BS drama.
I'm going to make some moves in that dept. sf.
Within the context of this thread, it's what I would like to see out of Indietalk. This would appear to be a better place to discuss the issue. It has little to do with individual threads/posts. The link was an example of what I see is the issue.

That still doesn't answer why virtually 0 posts are reported. So if you saw an issue why didn't you report it? I'm hoping the clearer graphic helps, and we do need a new mod staff that actually visits the forum, understood.
That still doesn't answer why virtually 0 posts are reported. So if you saw an issue why didn't you report it?


I've only used the reporting button on this site once, when they were deliberately trolling me personally.
It wasn't quite as obvious to everyone else what was happening but they kept escalating and like 6 posts later they were banned.

The system works!! Sorta :)
We'll get there. For a website without mods is amazing how smooth the discussion board is.
It is anonymous. ;)

Maybe that needs to be stressed in the text box.

So if you saw an issue why didn't you report it?

I did. In this thread. You know, the post to which you're replying.

Are you wondering why users didn't press your button before APE left Indietalk?
You can't complain about moderation in the same post you are reporting. How does that even make sense? Do you call Dominos and complain they never delivered the pizza you never ordered?
I understood your post sweetums.


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maybe if we need to add "to troll others" and "to split hairs" in the poll options hahaha

I've seen a few posts where i thought people took things too far, and I'd rather post something or send a PM than report them, but I'm just too damn laissez faire when it comes to things that aren't my business.

I've jumped in the middle of things in my life without second thought but only when it was an extreme circumstance
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Now that we have a moderator team in place I'd like to keep this on topic, and feel free to add anything you'd like to see in 2017!