archived-videos The Perfect Woman!!!

MY latest short film is "The Perfect Woman" and its all about Richard who is a sad git living in England with a boring life, then he realises that his relationship with his lovedoll is actually better than with his wife!

This film can be seen on

Please let me know of your reviews...
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You've got to remove a lot of the pauses and other non-relevant bits. It's really dragging out the pace. This could easily be a third shorter, and you'd still have the same film.

It has some funny & awkward moments... I don't see the story making sense as a whole, though.

Yeah thanks for the "constructive" reviews. Currently i am learning how to edit using Premiere Pro 1.5 but i am finding it a bit complicated.

Some of the other viewers have written on the that my short film is the worst they have ever seen, the acting and story is awful, and i am giving the British film industry a bad name! I do not believe i deserve all this personal abuse, however there were some good reviews aswell...
ducks back, water...learn and move on to the next project. My first times out were really bad. One the dvd for the Village by m. night shaymalan, he put one of his indiana jones fan films from when he was learning. Make a film, get honest/brutal criticism, use that criticism to improve your next film...lather, rinse, repeat. You'll be making films for profit in a bit.

Learning a complicated artform is complicated. Perservere, it's the only way you will improve.pick one thing you didn't like about this project and focus on fixing that in the next one. lighting (in my case), or the framing/cinematography...whatever. Use it to move forward.
A good critique will NOT attack the film maker, just the film. When you get a review that say "This writer/director/editor stinks!" you have to divorce yourself from that kind of talk and wait/hope for someone to explain where and why "the movie" stinks. Telling someone what's wrong with a film is a good step, telling them how to improve it is even better.

Offensive and ill mannered personal attacks don't do anyone any good. Just shrug them off for what they are, uneducated and ignorant comments. You also have to consider the source of those comments. When you can post something totally anonymous, getting nasty comes all to easily for some people. Don't take it to heart.

Now my question is, do you want an honest critique of your film?
Ofcourse! An honest comment about the film is that the scenes need tightening up to quicken the pace of the film and i am aware of this, but niave about editing. Any more comments
There were several good reviews from Tom Hanks and Harrison Ford!

Last August i know Tom Hanks was in the UK working on the Da Vinci Code (at Lincoln cathedral which is about a 30 minute drive from where i live), but i don't believe he would have time to watch my film...

I recieved an email that The Perfect Woman is to be uploaded on on 16th Nov and is the same day i start production on Airport, which is about the supernatural (i have told Knightly all about it).

Therefore i will be interested to hear the reviews, abuse, compliants, hate mail, etc on or maybe even some "good" reviews, who knows...
Okay, I read some of the comments on that page and seen your movie. Please don't listen to idiots like those. Like knightly said, water off a ducks back.

Wouldn't it have made better sense if Victoria had been in bed (although is looks like a couch) with Richard and just rolled over to ask who Monica is?

I'm not sure about the opening shot, the lights came up, was that the sun coming up? Wouldn't we have seen Richard in another position sleeping, maybe even drooling (for laugh sake). Depends on how you wanted the shot. Richard could have awoken to find Victoria pissed off and packing her bags. Much later we find out she's Victoria his wife but in the beginning we don't know this and it's confusing. We don't know these things because you didn't give us any clues.

It's the little things that count. Think about whether or not she has a tooth brush. Does it matter if you never show her toothbrush in the film, no, of course not, but when you give each character back story, it tends to make your film more detailed.

When the phone rings, Richard just sits there. No eye movement at all. And the phone is on the floor for some reason. Is he expecting a phone call from his wife (would seem likely)? If so he'd have the phone in his lap and pick it up right away.

Don't use the zoom function on your camera. Move the actual camera. As a matter of fact, weigh your camera down with extra weight.

You know, now that I look at it, it seems your director included "handles" for your editor but the editor left them in for some reason.

Here's another pace killer, while Richard reads the letter the camera is on the reader and stays there. There is a logic problem too; when the TV repair man leaves, the doll hasn't been blown up. When does he blow her up because the very second the repair man leaves Richard is on the phone wondering how to deflate her? So it would have been better to have Richard start reading the letter, have the voice over continue as Richard explores and blows up the doll.

The bus stop scene, is that copyrighted music playing? Did you get permission to use it? Got to watch what you do with other people's material. Just an FYI.

The scene where Richard says, "Are you a police officer?" You don't need that dialog because it makes Richard look like a total dolt. He's never seen a cop before? The gag would have been better had you just shot their reactions, no dialog.

Why did you keep the audio for the outdoor flash back scene when you had a voice over playing?

When Keith is talking to some unknown person in his living room and you cut away to some legs walking, back to the living room, a leg disappears as a door closes, back to the living room where Richard and the cop enter. Things like this just don't make logical sense.

There are a lot of holes in your story. All of the gags could have been carried out better. When the actor's speak, it's almost like their afraid they won't be understood so they're over enunciating for some reason. There were a couple spots where players talked naturally but it was rare. This may have been a conscious choice but without a good reason it just doesn't work.

And come on, who doesn't know how to deflate a blow up doll?

Little things like that prompt rude comments like the ones I read on that site. The concept of a blow up doll as the perfect woman, I like that. The idea that Richard is dreaming about another woman and the wife gets upset, I believe that could happen. Getting embarrassed when the repair man sees you with blow up doll in your hands is funny. Having to go out in public with a fully blown up sex doll is funny, but the reason he's doing it is not logical and so the humor is lost. A bet, a dare, something other than he can't find the nozzle which he obviously found in order to blow it up in the first place. The looks on the bus, the look from the cop all would have been funny had you given us a good reason for it to happen. And it would have been as simple as a dare. Or made Victoria his fiance instead of his wife and the blow up doll was part of the bachelor party. He had to walk around with it. How about blackmail, his friends blackmailed him into walking around with it. In the end Richard finds a cop who knows his dad and decides to play a joke on Keith. Then you bring the whole thing full circle by letting Victoria see Richard with the doll.

The other problem is your movie description on the web site reads, "Richard is a sad git living in Hull, then he realizes his relationship with his love doll is actually better than with his wife!" Where do we see Richard liking the relationship with the love doll?

Just easy things to do to tighten up your story.

Editing is an art. There are three main reasons movies turn out badly. Bad story to begin with, bad directing during, and bad editing after. Editing is an art unto itself. Find somebody who loves (and I mean loves) to put puzzles together and you've found the raw material for a film editor. What you shoot as a director and what comes out of the editing room can be two totally different stories. Editors can make and break an actor's performance. Editors have a lot of power. Doing it right is not easy. Stephen Spielberg said, "two frames are the difference between a scary great white shark and a floating gray turd."

You have to cut out all the pauses. Not just to make things move faster but to emote what your actors are doing. Unless the blank stare means something special, cut it. When you're done filming and you begin to edit or you get someone else to edit, now you have to reconcile what you shot, with what you have. This is known as coverage. Lot's of directors shoot things they know won't make it into the movie but shoot them anyway in case the editor needs them. It's something you grow to learn. The more you do it, the better it gets.

Is your movie bad, yes. Does that make you a bad director, no, it makes you inexperienced. Everybody has been there. Everybody has made a bad movie. Wanting to be good is a desire that comes from your heart. If you really want to be good, if you really want to tell stories with a camera, then learn. One of the best ways to learn is to get off your butt and just do it. Now that you've gotten off your butt, make it better.

Read books, read articles, read how, take classes, ask questions.

Gosh I hope this helps you because those idiots that posted on the site where your movie is located sure aren't.

Let me know if need anything else.
The "handles" boz is refering to is the footage between action and the actors doing their line or the action in the scene...and again at the tail end of the clip. Story bits aside, I'll re-edit the beginning of TPW to tighten it up a bit at work and post it for you to see the difference. I won't change the shot order at all, I'll just remove the handles.

For each clip in the timeline, you can set the in and out points for it. One of the things said by big time editors is to enter the shot when the action has already started and leave bofore it finishes. The edit is analogous to blinking. If the film is what the audience sees, the edit is them blinking, then looking at something else. Generally, you will look at something that has caught your eye. Make the edits reflect that timing. if someone on screen looks up, cut on the look to what they are looking at. In dialog, we know from life experience that it's like wathing ping pong, as soon as a line is delivered, cut to the next person. Movie conversations happen faster than in real life, because we can listen faster than we can formulate conversation. More when I get to work!
I'm using Final Cut, but you could do this same thing in premiere or windows movie maker or imove just as easily. Keep in mind all I did was take the stuff that was already there and remove the bits before and after the dialog.
Thats the biggest film review i have ever recieved!!! Thank you Boz!

I did suggest we should start the beginning scene with Richard and Victoria in bed because sex will grab everyones attention from around the world! But Victoria then thought i was directing a porn film, so i decided against it as i didn't want to frighten her off!

During the bus scene we got heckled quite a lot from the people on the bus saying "nice lovedoll mate" and everyone thought it was really funny. I thought that scene worked well but you can always improve.

Richard asked the question "are you a police officer" because his character is a complete dolt! I got the idea when i saw Leslie Nielsen in Naked Gun 33 and a third walk into a doctors surgery saying "i want to see a doctor." Its a stupid, funny question and essential to his nerd/idiot character.

I played Keith and Dr.Ludwig von Washout because i can rely on myself and i cannot resist being in front of the camera. Filming the doctor scene was interesting as the set was next door to a public toilet and on several occassions i had to cut filming because we could hear someone trickling water or singing on the toilet! But despite the "interuptions" i think the doctors scene worked well.

Overall i think the film has a tentative start because of the slow pace but gets better after the bus scene and yesterday it was uploaded to (Calgary).

During production there was a documentry made about us making a film and they called the documentry "Eddie Rex... A Man or a Myth?" And it shows what goes on behind the scenes with all the madness of us making a film! So i am hoping they will upload it on so you can all see it...

What did you all think to the acting?
I actually just pulled the URL from the source code for the hosts page and used a URL download utility (CURL) to suck the file down from the host.