archived-videos The Mustache Chronicles

This gets better and better! "I was just looking for something in the couch"
Oh the hilarity!
Loved it... near the end there was a long static shot, and then a cut to the same shot which looked choppy.. if you have any other footage (maybe just a reaction of Moustache) you could throw that in there?

Great Job.
I liked the jump cuts during the fan's interview. I think Spatula was talking about the jump cut right after the fan wakes up McFaggle - he's on screen then suddenly off.

Funny stuff.

That's one wacky fan he's got. :lol:

Were you ad-libbing your dialogue for your solo part? I think that there was a bit too much in pauses and hum-har type stuff. Since you are doing plain random cuts there anyway, I think you could tighten up the pacing easily enough.

Some re-creations of events during your monologue would have been awesome...
McFaggle in his short shorts trying to thumb a ride, maybe a reaction shot of him as you proudly display the t-shirt for the first time...
Just short little clips to overlay when you are making your points.

The opening scene was great, btw. I didn't like the random cuts as much as the other peeps, but the situation itself was hilarious. This character has great potential... who knew hairy 'staches and bad fashion-sense could be so funny? :cool:
Zensteve said:
Some re-creations of events during your monologue would have been awesome...
McFaggle in his short shorts trying to thumb a ride, maybe a reaction shot of him as you proudly display the t-shirt for the first time...
Just short little clips to overlay when you are making your points.

I am in 100% agreement on this.

This IS a great series, and I'm lookin' forward to more McFaggly adventures!
As for the cuts, I was talking about the cuts in the middle of the monologue... I just think the position of the actor is too simliar, or the background too static, and instead of looking how it rightly should be, it looks like pieces were cut for "other reasons".
I think transitional wipes and such would fix that- put in swipes, or something simple and direct, and I think it would be a little better.
I can't wait for more- keep them coming at high speed Logan, and may the moustache be with you!
Something is currently wrong with my internet service at home, but as soon as that gets fixed, I can upload Chronicle III onto my site. I'll let y'all know.
I don't know how you hooligans got onto that golf course without the proper attire, but damn that kid can swing!

hehe- excellent as usual! Keep 'em rollin' in!
Hey- shirt and shoes... doesn't mention anything about pants!!!
I see a sequel...

"McFaggle is arrested for pulling out the wrong putter (you know what I mean)"
Oh wow. Update on the series: GOYK.COM, a very popular (apparently) humor website, has posted a link to The traffic driven from that link was so immense that I exceeded my daily bandwidth. That is cool in a way, but it really sucks. Has anyone ever heard of before? I looked them up at alexa, and they get more traffic than
LOGAN L Productions said:
ANOTHER UPDATE! AND are both featuring The Mustache Chronicles on their websites. cool.
Heck yes! ...and now it's on! is still the one driving all the traffic toward me...I've never heard of that site, and it's the only one that I didn't personally submit my link to...some guy named Jake did! THANKYOU JAKE!!