THE Must-See movie for all indie filmmakers

Don't judge it by the lame trailer -- the movie is awesome.

This dude and his friend are hilarious, and his story is rather inspiring, albeit a total comedy of errors.
oh man I forgot about this film! its a great one to watch.. I would have to say my favorite scene is when he is in the kitchen with is mother and she is trying to run the camera! Classic
Did you just say don't judge based on the trailer? I think I've been doing the wrong thing all these years but judging movies based on something that is made to be judged by....then again I am always doing this backwards lol.
I love this film. What was the film in the film? Coven? That's available too. I think it's on the DVD extras actually.

I love when they try to score the cabinet door and put the guys head through it...and take after take it didn't go through, and he just kept bashing his head and it wouldn't go through. lol. So funny.

This guy reminds me of a living Napoleon Dynamite.