AI can recreate what you see! Researchers use Stable Diffusion to create images from brain scans
Shinji Nishimoto and Yu Takagi, researchers from Japan's Osaka University, recreated high-resolution images from brain activity.
Apparently people are applying AI image generation techniques to brain scans and are able to have stable diffusion create images that mirror what the person is seeing.
Seems to me that this same technology can be applied to dreams, recording what you dream and then allowing you to play back a series of images!
And in time, when AI can create video instead of still images.... you will be able to play back the movie of your dreams!!
This is actually something that can happen in our lifetime. What a crazy leap forward.
I mean there's tons of possible dystopian uses for the technology too, but imagine you can record video playback of memories.. woah.
Eyewitness accounts of crimes would be possible, sketch artists would eliminated as a career, murderers would sell memory playbacks of their crimes on the black market, any other ideas out there in IT land to apply this tech?
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