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The Indie Gathering - IndieTalk Sponsored


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
The Indie Gathering 2006 – The independent film networking event of the year!

Early reg. ends 12/31/2005 must be postmarked by 12/31

This is for international competition in:




Script Writing

Film Scoring

Special Effects Makeup!

A VIP week end pass is included with all competition registration!

Regular registration runs from Jan. 1st to May 15th

The “Indie Gathering” also includes:

Music Video Awards

National Conference for “Women in Filmmaking”

National Conference for World Stunt Association

Screenings – Three days!

Free lectures - over 20+ hrs and more being added!

Convention – tables for production companies, distributors and supportive companies!

Two great networking parties with live music!

For those who just wish to network a week end pass is only $25 for all access!

Special hotel rates for “The Indie Gathering” only $79 (Limited rooms – reserve early!)

Visit our web site for all information.

If you need some personal endorsements- talk to Johnny Wu (mdifilm) and Peter John Ross (sonnyboo). Wu helped organize the entire event with founder, Ray Szuch and I believe Sonnyboo was a seminar presenter of some sort.

I helped a bit in the initial planning. I do plan to be there this year.
for the amount you pay to get in, it's really worth the money, and seriously i get to meet and know them more than I can with any of the gathering :)
This is kind of an old thread, but I just got an email from Ray about this event.. is anyone planning to attend? I'm very seriously considering driving down from St. Paul/Minneapolis..
I won't be able to make it, although I wanted to. :( Hit MN some time and I'm totally there, job/family doesn't let me go to far.
Come Wil, I'll hang out with you! this year, from what I've seen, we have gotten a lot of GREAT films to showcase, and for competition (which I can't compete since I'm an organizer) but hey, at least 2 of my films will be shown (I wonder if Ray will allow me to show Drama Queen Music Video) :)

Anyway, I am thinking for this year, there will be alot of more interesting discussion and such, it's really worth it, I got to know people in 3 days more than I would know them for 3 years. :)
well I'm planning to attend... it's just a matter of where i will stay I guess.. I prefer not to shell out for a hotel if I don't have to.. ;) I'm kinda ... financially challenged. I was thinking maybe I'd find a camp ground in the area or something.. but as of right now I'm thinking I will hop on the motorcycle and cruise down there alone, otherwise if I find some peeps to come with me I'll car pool I guess.