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The Flight of the Flamingo Poster Launch!

The first official poster for The Flight of the Flamingo is finally here! It was designed by Daniel Gaze and we're really happy with it!


For more information you can see this quick article I knocked up for The Clapper Bored...

Those of you who contributed $30 or more to our IndieGoGo campaign will be receiving your posters in not too long! I'm flying to America at the weekend and will be mailing them to our American funders first, so check your mailbags at the end of next week!
I'm really excited to have a big Facebook album of the poster up on people's walls all across the world!

If anyone wants a copy, we're selling them for $10 (+p&p) but I'll make a special offer to IT members (don't tell anyone) and you can have a copy for print cost (+p&p), which will probably be about $5 or a bit less! Just PM me ;)
Thanks guys!

Our US based contributors should've received their posters by now. It'd be amazing if people could take a quick photo of the poster on their wall, all around the world, so that we can put together a really cool Facebook album!

UK and European posters will be dispatched next week! :yes:

I was gonna send you one when I was in the US but it turned out that I hadn't brought enough with me... :(

We are selling the posters for $10+p&p but if any Indietalkers want a copy then I'll do it for cost+p&p, just send me a PM :)

EDIT: I would add that, in an ideal world, I'd just send them to everyone but we've used up our entire budget and can't afford to be shelling out too much at the moment. It costs over £6 for us to print and ship a poster, so, as you can see, we can't really afford to be giving them away. But it makes me feel bad cos you're all great! :yes: