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The Date

I totally get this script. I'd make it.

Here is what I get from it:

Circus acts like Lady Gaga and Ke$ha are poisoning the minds of our nation's youth and making it okay to dress like them.

When I was in highschool (within the last 10 years) girls found it annoying that boys would stare at them. LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE WEARING, YOU $&^^#. DON'T DRESS LIKE AN ESCORT AND YOU WON'T FIND YOURSELF TAKEN FOR A "RIDE" IN A FORD ESCORT...
interesting response. So I was right, she was rapped.

One thing women don't get about men.
With women cycles, they have strong reproductive urges when they are the most fertile, about three or four days a month. This is not about emotional sexual desire.. just straight physiology\biology. Statistically, most women who start extra marital affairs start them on this cycle, I digress, anyway, the point being is that women have to balance their rational side against very strong reproductive urges just a few days out of 28, men on the other hand have that same urge EVERY FREAKING DAY! All men are heroes for fighting the good fight, not giving in to biological pressures, day in and day out.

That said, and being the father of 5 pretty girls, when boys come around, I have them help me clean the guns. It seems to have a calming effect, at least on me. :)


Senior Homecoming, 2002.

I drive up to my date's house by myself.

I walk up to the doorstep and ring the doorbell. I'm in a black tux with a white vest and a corsage in my hand still in the plastic box I got from the local flower shop.

I wait, and this man answers the door staring at me.

He doesn't say anything, and he hands me a .300 rifle bullet.

He looks at me for a moment with a deadly straight face, and I'm standing there like "WTF?"

He then says:

"If you hurt her, the next one is going to come much faster."


I wish she was there to say something like "Oh daddy, quit it..."

But she was still getting ready and I had to sit in the foyer for quite a while by myself.
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Senior Homecoming, 2002.

I drive up to my date's house by myself.

I walk up to the doorstep and ring the doorbell. I'm in a black tux with a white vest and a corsage in my hand still in the plastic box I got from the local flower shop.

I wait, and this man answers the door staring at me.

He doesn't say anything, and he hands me a .300 rifle bullet.

He looks at me for a moment with a deadly straight face, and I'm standing there like "WTF?"

He then says:

"If you hurt her, the next one is going to come much faster."


That's great! BTW: The earlier post, is pretty much right on head.
That's great! BTW: The earlier post, is pretty much right on head.

Thanks -

I'm actually pretty astonished how far we've come as a culture and how degraded it is, when you look at it.

I remember learning in college about how films had a rule that the man had to have at least 1 foot on the floor at ALL TIMES in a scene with a woman on a bed.


Now look at the junk we are fed day in and day out - no morals. Anything goes.

Quite sickening. I'd go CRAZY if I had to raise a girl in today's society.
Which one of these little details of the story is less relavent to the story, and more a reflection on the attitudes of the author?

I think the question should be, which one of these details is not true? Since it's all the TRUTH, it's part of the story. I'm sorry if the word black offends you, but you're a ass if you think it doesn't matter. I assure you, if I was black, living in a black area and some white guy was hanging out trying to get into my apartment building, the word white would be used also.

Or perhaps you think that black people in NYC don't commit crime. Gee, all those countless drawings from women are all lies. Maybe it's a conspiracy of the liberal media to only post artist renderings of minority rapists on the news. Because on the news in NY & NJ 95% of the time it's a minority that's being hunted.

Not that white guys don't rape. Because they do. They just go about it in a different manner.

But, to make you feel better, my white friend who lives up in Washington Heights was riding the subway by himself. And some white guy approaches him with his dick in his hand. So, he shoves him out at the next station.
I assure you, if I was black, living in a black area and some white guy was hanging out trying to get into my apartment building, the word white would be used also.

And that would make you a racist black person.

Or perhaps you think that black people in NYC don't commit crime. Gee, all those countless drawings from women are all lies. Maybe it's a conspiracy of the liberal media to only post artist renderings of minority rapists on the news. Because on the news in NY & NJ 95% of the time it's a minority that's being hunted.

Your lady friend looked out her peep-hole, used the best of her judgement, and decided that this guy hanging out in her hallway was not a threat. She was correct. He was just there to serve her.

You look out in the hallway and see...

Don't quote me your made-up statistics. According to statistics, we should all be scared of teennage males. But I know a threat when I see one. Your friend knew (despite color of skin) that she saw no threat. There are a million ways to read somebody, and color of skin is literally and figuratively barely scraping the surface.
And that would make you a racist black person.

Your lady friend looked out her peep-hole, used the best of her judgement, and decided that this guy hanging out in her hallway was not a threat. She was correct. He was just there to serve her.

You look out in the hallway and see...

Don't quote me your made-up statistics. According to statistics, we should all be scared of teennage males. But I know a threat when I see one. Your friend knew (despite color of skin) that she saw no threat. There are a million ways to read somebody, and color of skin is literally and figuratively barely scraping the surface.

If using the word black or white is racist, then everyone in the world is racist. That's fucking stupid. You're like the dumbass feminist that I had an argument with about calling Karen my girlfriend when we were both in our thirties. She's a woman, not a girl. Get a life.

People like YOU don't have a fucking clue as to what a real racist is. You're a DUMBASS.

It wasn't her better judgment to walk past some stranger lurking in her doorway for two hours. Only one person knew he was there, her. She said she was shocked to see him still there, but walked by anyway. How fucking stupid is that?

But, please by all means do whatever the hell you want. Use your obvious great judgment. People with judgment like yours are being murdered, raped, mugged, beaten and kidnapped almost hourly. I sure won't lose any sleep over it.
Oh, and FYI -- I graduated from a high school of 1,500, of which I was one of only two white people. I was spit at, had things thrown at me from moving cars, constantly referred to by my ethnicity (usually disparagingly), harrassed by the school bullies, etc., but you're right -- I know nothing about racism.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel, sinner. The guy who bullied me worse than any other -- he eventually befriended me. By our senior years, we were supportive and friendly teammates on the school basketball team. As adults, our favorite friendly rivalry in the adult basketball rec-league was when we got to play against each other. Everyone can change. But first, you gotta recognize that there's a problem.
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It wasn't her better judgment to walk past some stranger lurking in her doorway for two hours. Only one person knew he was there, her. She said she was shocked to see him still there, but walked by anyway. How fucking stupid is that?

Body language is the most important communicator and indication of intent. Your friend saw no threat. She was correct. Appearantly, your friend is not so stupid.
Body language is the most important communicator and indication of intent. Your friend saw no threat. She was correct. Appearantly, your friend is not so stupid.

You're right. Through the doorway you can see body language. It's moronic thinking like this that gets people harmed. You honestly don't realize how stupid you are. If you don't see the danger in some stranger lurking in a doorway for two hours, then you are just another walking victim. It might never happen, but if it does, it certainly won't be surprising. BTW: She finally agreed it wasn't a bright idea. Not because of the color of his skin, but because he lied to get in, and was still there 2 hours later. This is not rocket science it's common sense.

The people that spit on you, harassed you, those are the racist people. The ones who noticed you were white but jokingly made fun of your honkiness are not. Every person is an individual, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, your favorite sports team, the music you listen to, the clothes you wear, and a whole host of other traits that make you who you are, will make people react in different ways. Until someone reacts with prejudice toward you or someone else for any of these traits, the word racist, or prejudice does not apply.

We're so politically correct nowadays that the mentioning of a person's race makes that person a racist. That's bullshit. It's what's in your heart and how you live your life that matters.

Thank God my movie making partner and the guy whose movies I edited doesn't think like you. Because he's black, and we make fun of people like you all the time. But, we're both racists. Oh wait...
Does this mean you guys are getting a divorce? :(



Okay, so I just read The Date...

~ Some problems with syntax. Ex: "But here's a problem which has plagued man since the beginning of fig leaves..."
I understand what you're implying, but this isn't prose or poetry.

~Feels like a parable from the turn of the last century but definitely doesn't convey a "universal truth" as most parables seek to.

~Narration reads like stream of consciousness peppered with a few punchlines.

Based on the dichotomous imagery, I don't think you need the narration at all. The narration is judging the actions, and blaming your protagonist(s). In this case, I think it would be much more dynamic to let your audience draw their own conclusions.
Hey, thanks. I'm glad you were here to clear up my misconceptions on racism. All this time, I didn't realize it was perfectly okay to single out and ridicule somebody from a different ethnicity, for no other reason than the fact that they are of a different ethnicity.

"F**k you, ni**er!"
"Go home, wetb**k!"
"Stupid f**king ch**k!"

That's the kind of language I grew up with, every day. But hey, now that I know everybody was joking, it's totally cool.

She finally agreed it wasn't a bright idea. Not because of the color of his skin, but

Then, why did you mention the color of his skin?

I'm glad you have a black friend. That means you're totally in the clear. Nobody has ever used that defense before.
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Hey, thanks. I'm glad you were here to clear up my misconceptions on racism. All this time, I didn't realize it was perfectly okay to single out and ridicule somebody from a different ethnicity, for no other reason than the fact that they are of a different ethnicity.

"F**k you, ni**er!"
"Go home, wetb**k!"
"Stupid f**king ch**k!"

That's the kind of language I grew up with, every day. But hey, now that I know everybody was joking, it's totally cool.

Then, why did you mention the color of his skin?

I'm glad you have a black friend. That means you're totally in the clear. Nobody has ever used that defense before.

Do you know how to COMPREHEND? Obviously not. Like the ASS you are, you decided to give new meaning to the word "jokingly".

Jokingly definition: something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act.

When the people said the things you wrote, was it to friends? Was it to people that they hung out with or even liked? Or do they fit into part of my first sentence "harassed"? Because that's harassment.

Harassment: to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute.

In case you don't know (you obviously don't) Racism: 1) a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2) hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

You know what the problem with people like you is? You see things that aren't there. You assume, jump the gun, and scream racism or trouble where there is none. You don't choose battles, you cause them. You lessen noble causes. You're the boy who cried wolf. You're just as bad as right wing nuts. I'm willing to bet you're pretty left wing. You twist or out and out change the meaning of words (ex: jokingly) to make meaningless points.

I know the movie All About Steve was universally panned. But, I love that movie. And my favorite line is "Words people. Words have meaning." Don't distort the meaning to make a point. Because you render it useless.

Besides that, you're even bigger problem; not seeing the inherent danger of a stranger lurking inside your building for two fucking hours. That's makes you a complete fucking idiot. There's no defending stupidity. Karen was not defending what she did. From the get go she knew she was wrong. She just didn't understand why I got so upset. I got upset, because I don't want to see the person I love raped and murdered for being so fucking stupid.

As for why I put large black man... Because he was a large black man. You call it "made-up statistics". Learn your facts. That's like saying the majority of drive-by shootings are done by white people. White people commit their fair share of unthinkable brutal acts. There's plenty of white people in prison. But, this type of crime is 75% minority. It makes a difference especially in NYC.

Here's a sampling of lyrics I wrote years ago, which I live by everyday.

Honkies gooks spicks and niggers
These words make me shiver
Chills run up and down my spine
Ignorance spewed from too many minds
Technology brought us easy living
Awareness was lost somewhere in BC
Before Christ before God before ourselves
Look in the mirror and see who dwells
Place your fiingertips to the glass
Make an impression that forever lasts


When the only words out of a stranger's mouth is a lie (I'm from UPS) and they're hanging out in the same place hours later. You treat that person like the suspicious person they ARE. You don't walk past them. You don't take a gun and shoot them. You don't beat them with a baseball bat. You call the cops, and wait for them to find out what's going on. You use common sense.