The Daily Journal

So Monday night I had one of those "slap myself in the back of the head but I can't because it's in my ass" moments. We started the evening analyzing the tracks from Sunday that we felt were useable and we also patched the playback to another channel on the mixer so I could let the talent hear what we were about to record. During analysis and preperation for day two we detected some low-level noise in the recordings and set out to troubleshoot. The root cause was twofold:

1) The Creative Labs X-Fi Platinum Pro with external box is a POS. Every input on the external box is amplified, and the amplifier is crap so it was injecting noise into the recordings. The line-in on the actual card is muxed 3 ways - line-in, microphone and digitial I/O. As such, even with it set to non-amplified line-in we were still getting noise.

2) The dynamic microphone needed to be amplified so much to the correct recording levels that it had a soft but distinct hiss.

After almost three hours of tinkering, cable rerouting, slot jockying to reassign interrupts, etc., we went back to my tried and true Audigy 2 Platinum and routed the amplified (fader controlled) outputs on the mixer to the dedicated line-in jack of the Audigy. All noise was gone except for the low-level hiss of the mic. I was back to my dilemma of "do I drop another $200-300 on a decent condenser mic or not?" And then it hit me like a ton of screaming Texas hogs. I found myself staring at my ME66/K6 Sennheiser shotgun mic that I'd been using to talk to him through the headphones wondering, "what if?" We switched the mics, and... oh... my... GOD! We were able to cut the gain in half. The compressor happily chugged along, smoothly cutting overamplification in appropriate spots due to the heightened sensitivity of the ME66. The resulting sound coming through my monitoring headphones was so realistic that I'd swear he was right in front of me. It picked up every little nuance in his voice and even added depth to the guitar. We peppered some effects into the mix, and we were off and recording again.

Last night, we recorded 14 of his original songs all at 192KHz, 32-bit (as a Master that we will downsample for DVD/CD/MP3). All recordings sounded very good (provided you like Country music and acoustic guitars) and are now ready for additional tracks (percussion, piano, backup vocals, etc.). He can also compose on piano so we plan to take our sound dampening chamber to another location so we can lay down some piano tracks. I am definitely ready for ADR with this setup should the need arise.

Soundtrack for the movie is now in progress as he eagerly goes off to write material just for it. The story is based in Texas so his style should fit. The attached file is not for the soundtrack, of course, but I couldn't help but share some results for those following along. The project's soundtrack and title song will be much more subdued than this.

WARNING: If you don't like Country music, don't download this file! You will cup your ears in your hands and run from the room screaming provided your head doesn't explode first! Dustin is about as southern as they come. :yes:
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With the soundtrack under development, I'm back to focusing on lighting needs and production design. I picked up an Isbrytare ellipsoidal light from Ikea yesterday. Hopefully, 50W will be enough to splash some patterns on the backdrop for the interviews. From what I've seen, it should. My other lights are really bright by comparison. Controlling spill will become the highest priority so I don't wash out the backgrounds again. My collapsible backdrop should arrive this week.

With only three views on the above MP3 I guess the audience for this project will be somehwat limited on this forum. :lol: Rest assured, though. The soundtrack won't be near as "country". We'll leave steel guitars out of the final mix. I promise. And, no. I don't expect this project to make any waves. It's meant to make me educated and experienced. If I can entertain someone in the process, all the better.
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Looks like the post your work everyday has filtered out here of late... I realize I'm a newcomer but...what the hell. I'm diving in, hope you all don't mind...

I will recap the last 3 months of my first major project quickly...

-My film partner begins to describe to me his latest idea for a slasher/thriller/revenge type flick... I hate the idea.. I don't want to try a horror... Sooo many indies start out this way, I hit the huge FanExpo in toronto every year and its full of indie lads touting their flicks...I've bought a few... God we all need more practice don't we??
-Over the next few days, I can't get the thought of this stupid flick out of my head... Finally I start to think to myself "Hey, maybe this is why indie filmers try horror... cause if you are going to screw up your sound/lighting/video... might as well be in a genre that can still make a crappy B flick a success in some circles... and I was in...
-2 weeks later, we had a moderately complete set of plot points and a couple scenes jotted out...
-2 weeks after that and we had the first 15-20 pages written and things were rocking strong!

...and then... life set in... Hey we both work normal jobs, have kids and whatnot...

- a month later... umm...we had the first 15-20 pages written and were... rocking strong?? not really...

- 3 weeks ago... We are sitting for coffee in our favorite little joint when I make a brilliant suggestion... "If we ever get this script written, lets get the dudes from LinkSwarm, to help with the production if they want." (We have been a part of another online community for a few years) Then the ideas started flying... We would turn this into an online collaboration LOL This would force us off our asses!
- 2 Weeks ago, the project began, we through out a bunch of rules, direction and provided what we had thus far and opened it right up...
- Since then we have garnered a fair bit of interest, a couple people have written additional scenes and things are slowly under way...

Present...This week... I will spend most of my time during my normal job, reading through the forums here... Going back in time hunting for tidbits that will help me along the way...

More to come!
I stopped posting here as much when I realized that by the time I posted and blogged about what I'd done, I still had a million things left to do that I hadn't started. But rest assure the gears are turning here!

I'm ALWAYS working on projects. I wake up in the morning, trying to grab onto the tail ends of dreams and exploit them for shots or lines.. then I think about story elements during my morning routine... I bring my laptop into work and write scripts while I telemarket, and when I get home, either Premiere or Final Draft is firing up. By the time I go to bed, I'm making lists of what needs to be done. In fact, it's become such an obsession I've become rather socially moot. Right now, aside from The Poke Show, I just shot a net-cast style pilot for some video-gamer contest. We're planning more videos as we await a contest result. I'll be posting a 3-part sketch from the episode on The Poke Show. And I've got my big project- a 25 page screenplay which will be the doorway into an epic ninja/pirate mini-series. I just started pre-production last night, considering I'm sick as a rabid werewolf and the heat here in Toronto is killing me (softly, with his dong)... oh man, dong was a typo but it's funny.... how 'bout that heat, eh?

hehee, I need to take a nap and then get to work!
Finally uploaded episode two of my Cannes diary on myspace and youtube! It would of been a lot earlier if i did not have to wait six weeks for the other cameraman to send me his extra footage from Cannes. I don't know, if you ask favours from other people i always find that they drag their feet! Buggers!!!

Anyway it was straight forward edit using premiere and although theres a mixture of footage shot on mini dv and hd, i can't really see much difference.

Very pleased with the documentary though. Its very entertaining, however my only disappointment is that no one has bothered to check it out.
I've been working on editing a commercial project -- should have that done this week.
After that, I'll have two new short movie projects to edit (no, wait...make that three).
During that, we're preparing for the release of a new audio CD "Lament: The Musical (EP)" due on August 1. More details on that will be coming soon.
Started working on a spoof script that will hopefully NEVER see the light of day.
Need to get back to finishing the new design for the Bophe website.
Today I'm going to do some rough writing for the One Page Screenplay Contest...Haha... Also I picked up the Filmmaking for Dummies book at a used bookstore... Anyone read it? I'm a couple chapters in... Some insightful tidbits! (I think anyways)
Today I'm going to do some rough writing for the One Page Screenplay Contest...Haha... Also I picked up the Filmmaking for Dummies book at a used bookstore... Anyone read it? I'm a couple chapters in... Some insightful tidbits! (I think anyways)

Haven't read that one, but I do have a pretty extensive library on screenwriting, filmmaking, lighting, and digital video and film production. The Dummies books are always entertaining, though. I do own Dating for Dummies, and apparently it worked because I'm now happily married. When it came to dating, I was definitely a dummy. :lol:

My day to day production steps came to a screeching halt this week (cast personal problems). I'm back to analyzing story ideas and may focus on another feature length script for awhile. I dug out all of my old journals (dating back to 1992 and earlier) and dusted off 7 partially completed script ideas. Some still have promise. I'm gong to type them into Final Draft one by one and see where the creative inspiration takes me. I also ran across a short story I wrote in 9th grade that has some short film potential, so I may develop that into a screenplay, too. It's interesting to see what I wrote back then and how I wrote it. I have come a long way.

On a side note, my collapsible backdrop finally showed up this week. They had to custom make it so it took 6 weeks to get here. I may at least shoot the first chapter in the making of portion of the project, covering the writing and development process. And once the dust settles, I hope to shoot the scenes with the mother and daughter still. Her sad state of mind would give her an advantage since the character she's slated to portray is also dealing with loss. Is it sad that I'm still focusing on the project while she's dealing with crisis? :hmm:
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As they say, the show must go on. Jessica's Whisper is back on the production board. I've replaced one crew member and wrote one character out, so we're on the path to recovery. Speaking of production board, I'm reading "Creative Producing from A to Z". Great book. I'll take this script through every step just as an excercise.

Now I am beginning to understand through first-hand experience why screenplays tend to go through so many revisions before they hit the screen. I'll probably have to change it again once I scout and secure locations.
Since we have the blog feature now, everyone should keep a filmmaking journal. Get blogging!