telescopic lens help

i have a sony fdx-7 and just purchased a 2.2x telescopic lens but i can't seem to get it to work correctly. whenever i zoom past the vignette that appears when look through the lens everything is very blurry.

understand purpose is to bring distant objects close but i can't see anything in distant even remotely clear. have tried adjusting shutter speeds, iris and exposure levels but when zoom in nothing is clear.

what am i doing wrong? feel like an idiot but can't seem to figure out how to operate this lens correctly.

Does the 2.2X tele lens have a 62mm mount or did you have to use a step up or down ring?
Who is the manufacturer?

(BTW, I'm guessing when you said "Sony fdx-7" you meant Sony HDR FX7).
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ok, 1st ray you're right about camera model...i'm an idiot!

2nd...assuming it has a 62mm lens mount. it is made up of two lenses that can come apart but only the bottom one connects to the camera so guessing that is the 62mm. top one labled as 2.2x telescopic. bottom has no label.

no uv filter blocking

wasn't a cheapie, got off B&H...brand is Digital Concepts. Have a wide angle lens by same manf. and it's perfect.

gone through my camera manual, nothing. tried a focus infinity setting, nothing. very frustrating, feel like it's gotta be a simple solution.
it is made up of two lenses that can come apart but only the bottom one connects to the camera so guessing that is the 62mm. top one labled as 2.2x telescopic. bottom has no label.

Have you tried just the part labelled 2.2x telescopic by itself? I'm wondering if the bottom (unlabelled) half is a macro adapter which would only allow focus on objects mere inches in front of the lens.
Have you tried just the part labelled 2.2x telescopic by itself? I'm wondering if the bottom (unlabelled) half is a macro adapter which would only allow focus on objects mere inches in front of the lens.
i tried but the top part doesn't fit the lens. if i take the top part off and look through just bottom it still shows the vignette.

with complete piece on it works like an incredible macro lens actually, super shallow depth field, intense image that is close. same if take top part off and just shoot through bottom lens yet not quite as intense as when together.

it's like it has the opposite affect of a telescopic. really close images super enhanced, super shallow dept field.
ok, 1st ray you're right about camera model...i'm an idiot!

2nd...assuming it has a 62mm lens mount. it is made up of two lenses that can come apart but only the bottom one connects to the camera so guessing that is the 62mm. top one labled as 2.2x telescopic. bottom has no label.

no uv filter blocking

wasn't a cheapie, got off B&H...brand is Digital Concepts. Have a wide angle lens by same manf. and it's perfect.

gone through my camera manual, nothing. tried a focus infinity setting, nothing. very frustrating, feel like it's gotta be a simple solution.

Well... I wouldn't go so far as to call yourself an idiot.
Life's complicated, there's too many numbers and acronyms to keep straight, and conversational shorthand is often good enough for functioning, so...
May all your errors be so slight! ;)

Okey doke, yeah, homework indicates that camera has a 62mm filter mount.

Digital Concepts is a Chinese lens manufatured by Sakar.
They may have discontinued in 62mm mount 2x tele products and you have an older product or I'm looking at their product pages in the wrong places and don't see any tele's up to 62mm.

On ebay I see there's this product:
But frankly, that description of features is rather lacking in details - like if it's a 62mm mount or if it has a stepdown ring or whatever. "(Includes Rings)" doesn't tell me sh!t.
I've seen all sorts of "marketing work arounds".

You have two issues: blurriness and vignetting.

The bad news is that if you do a google video search for Digital Concepts or Sakar lenses you'll find that blurriness you're seeing is common, especially at full zoom.
There's not a [expletive] thing in the world you can do about that.

If I had to take a wild guess, I'll guess you have a step-down ring adapter, the product is just made by idiots, or there's some sort of tube that's putting the lens elements too far out in front to escape vignetting like looking through a toilet paper tube.

Short sweet: return the product ASAP.

What you're experiencing is the first product issue I posed to this forum not so long ago.

Like Wheatgrinder says, Raynox makes some nice products and you're gonna get what you pay for.
There's a big ol' list of tele's for your camera.

Wheatgrinder has (a lot) more experience than I do about lenses, but look for something that AT LEAST has a 62mm mount with larger filter lens - or - something that requires a step-up ring to a larger mount and hopefully that will diminish any vignetting potential.


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Well... I wouldn't go so far as to call yourself an idiot.
Life's complicated, there's too many numbers and acronyms to keep straight, and conversational shorthand is often good enough for functioning, so...
May all your errors be so slight! ;)

Okey doke, yeah, homework indicates that camera has a 62mm filter mount.

Digital Concepts is a Chinese lens manufatured by Sakar.
They may have discontinued in 62mm mount 2x tele products and you have an older product or I'm looking at their product pages in the wrong places and don't see any tele's up to 62mm.

On ebay I see there's this product:
But frankly, that description of features is rather lacking in details - like if it's a 62mm mount or if it has a stepdown ring or whatever. "(Includes Rings)" doesn't tell me sh!t.
I've seen all sorts of "marketing work arounds".

You have two issues: blurriness and vignetting.

The bad news is that if you do a google video search for Digital Concepts or Sakar lenses you'll find that blurriness you're seeing is common, especially at full zoom.
There's not a [expletive] thing in the world you can do about that.

If I had to take a wild guess, I'll guess you have a step-down ring adapter, the product is just made by idiots, or there's some sort of tube that's putting the lens elements too far out in front to escape vignetting like looking through a toilet paper tube.

Short sweet: return the product ASAP.

What you're experiencing is the first product issue I posed to this forum not so long ago.

Like Wheatgrinder says, Raynox makes some nice products and you're gonna get what you pay for.
There's a big ol' list of tele's for your camera.

Wheatgrinder has (a lot) more experience than I do about lenses, but look for something that AT LEAST has a 62mm mount with larger filter lens - or - something that requires a step-up ring to a larger mount and hopefully that will diminish any vignetting potential.


awesome! thanks for everyone's help! gonna call BH, see if can return/exchange.