• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.


How about when an unbiased 3rd party (like me) posts some of his resume for him - like I did a few posts above?

He stated that the actual class videos will not go online until September. Be patient.

I have no idea why Denny isn't stating is credentials, as I agree 100% with M1chael that it only serves to help lend credibility to the classes and the person making them.

Oh I know you stated the credentials Sonny...I saw you do it. I was asking him why *he* didn't post them, and why he isn't considering the importance of it.

I'm really not trying to be a dick. I just don't get it. I don't get it, and I don't see such an experienced person guiding the BtS footage we saw.
Oh I know you stated the credentials Sonny...I saw you do it. I was asking him why *he* didn't post them, and why he isn't considering the importance of it.

I think you made your point. He can either choose to start posting his credentials or not. We aren't detectives and there is no crime in a difference of opinion on how to market his videos. Honest criticism is one thing, harassing seems like the territory we're getting into now. I say let it go.
I think you made your point. He can either choose to start posting his credentials or not. We aren't detectives and there is no crime in a difference of opinion on how to market his videos. Honest criticism is one thing, harassing seems like the territory we're getting into now. I say let it go.

Hell, my point wasn't to harass him. I'm not beating a dead horse. I was only clarifying to you that I know you mentioned his creds...some repetition got thrown in there while I was at it.

I'm very sorry for coming across as harassing. That's not what I want at all.

I'm sure Denny has a lot of experience. I'll not repeat anymore. :)
I just noticed this site is getting a bit more jaded, more cynical. If we stick with genuine criticism, which 99% of the time we all do, it will be better for everyone.

This guy came on this site with nothing but good intentions. We all (myself included), jumped him on our ideas of what he should do with his music videos and instructional site. He didn't say he was better than anyone else; he didn't say anything rude or mean, but a lot of our criticisms were borderline. I don't necessarily think anyone went too far, but it's more a principal and a realization that we might want to be a little more polite without giving up our integrity or opinions.
I just noticed this site is getting a bit more jaded, more cynical. If we stick with genuine criticism, which 99% of the time we all do, it will be better for everyone.

+1. I think I'm going to make this my new signature line.
I only post with honesty. I think my points were valid and genuine. I feel strongly about teaching without qualification, and I feel strongly about technology leading our egos. Several of us made comments about this agreeing.

There is nothing wrong with that. This is a community that--for the most part--knows each other. We can speak our minds and be ourselves, and I think most of us are very respectful. I think very few people would be scared off by our citizens here.

I'm not trying to create drama...but I don't want to sensor my feelings when these kinds of things arise.

I'm a friendly dude, ya know! :)
We all (myself included), jumped him on our ideas of what he should do with his music videos and instructional site. He didn't say he was better than anyone else; he didn't say anything rude or mean, but a lot of our criticisms were borderline.
I'm sorry you thought I was jumping on him. I know
he felt I was.

My intention was only to learn more about him and
his school and offer my opinion. I sure didn't feel I
was being borderline rude or mean. I always try my
best be fair and reasonable and polite even when
challenging or offering a not so positive opinion. I'm
sorry you felt I was not being polite to him here and
when commenting about his music video.

If he ever comes back I will formally apologize to him.
And I'll try to live up to what I feel this community is
and should be.
I'm not singling out M1chael or Directrorik or anyone specifically. This was just as much a reminder to myself to be respectful as to anyone else. There are no specific comments, and as I said, I agree that people should be qualified and that I personally believe people should state their credentials, but not everyone HAS to or should be forced to.

There are a lot of posts on the site lately, from the old guard and newbies that are taking criticism and going in a direction of negativity and that is not what this site was founded on or why I came here. I am speaking about some of my own posts and critiques too. I want to make an effort to be more positive and make sure my criticism reflects a level of mutual respect.

Everyone I understand not knowing my credentials may look funny, but your just going to have to have trust. Thanks for your support, I look forward to an awesome relationship.

P.S it's all about trust within each other in this world.
I'm a man true to my word.

Since you're back I apologize to you if you felt
I was jumping on you or was being rude or mean.
My intent was only to offer my personal opinion
and get a discussion going. If I gave you any other
impression then I am not as clear a writer as I hope
to be.

If you feel, as sonnyboo does, that I was in any way
trying to force you to show your credentials, I apologize.
My intent was only to let you know how I felt about your
website. Not to force anything. I'm sorry I came across
that way.

I look forward to checking out your on line film school when
it is launched.
Holy touchy-feelie, sensitive sally spewage, Batman!

I don't think anyone was out of line asking for credentials. LFO's initial post said they were introducing an online film school to teach ....Filmmaking. Asking for an example of his work is not out of line. A few posts down, he then said the classes were going to be geared more towards the marketing aspect of filmmaking. I'd like to see an example of his/their marketing success.

I'm learning to play the drums from a guy who actually plays the drums online, and he's pretty damn good!