T2i help please!!!

The weirdest thing has been happening the past couple days. My menu's in my T2i have been flipping almost like if you were to hold a book up to a mirror. I have a feeling that this has something to do with magic lantern. Has anyone else had this problem. Iv enclosed some examples below.


I read about this. You need to reset the camera (remove battery) and put the latest build on all your cards. The good news is the problem goes away with no ill effects.

Check the ML Google group for the latest build to upload. Let's see if this works to upload here:

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Hey thanks for pointing me in the right direction! I just read up about it on the developers group. I'm going to try the newest build and if that doesn't work I'll just revert back to a later build.
A friend of mine was using his Wii exercise 'game' yesterday and, while checking his stats or what-not it froze up for a sec with an error message. A few seconds later the console said 'Just kidding' and went back to normal. lol