
I Need To Write One For My Script. How Do I Make It Sound Attractive To Others, Rather Than Just Myself?
You should probably have a few. You should have a tagline (a catchy sentence), a short synopsis (1 - 5 sentences), and a longer one (50 to 200 words). It's hard to tell you what to write without reading your script. Keep editorial comments out. For the long synopsis, think of a severely trimmed down treatment.
i always take people through the plots in the structure that they occur in the film. eg - Die Hard. John arrives at the building, building is taken over, John kills this man, he is this man's brother, John does this. A police man comes....etc etc
it makes your script sound much duller than it probably is, but this a) encourages you to improve the script further and b) gives the reader an definitive view of what is going to happen.
most i have read always try to end with a general advertising statement. eg - for Love Actually. 'a charming take on love in the modern city of deadlines'
the greatest i have ever read include an analysis of the potential appeall of the film to target audiences, even going so far as to reveal how they would identify with main characters, and of course, your Unique Selling Point.
good luck
Here's what I got:

-Highlight the biggest plot points leading to the climax without revealing the ending.
-Draw attention to any features that make your script/movie stand out from the rest.
-Give a feel for the style of the movie (aka, if you have a comedy, put a joke in the synopsis somewhere)

That's all I can think of.

Writing a good synopsis is an artform in itself - an artform I haven't quite mastered. :lol: