Don't hold your breath. They tend to wait until the last possible minute to tell you. Heck, there are a ton of film fests that don't even have the courtesy to send you a rejection-email. SXSW is decent enough that you can expect to hear something from them, be it positive or negative. But it probably will be right at the end of their notification deadline. Good luck, though; I hope you get in! :)
If it's like most upper tier festivals (never entered SXSW, Slamdance and a couple others are my "reach" festivals), if you haven't heard a week or so before the "notification" date, you probably aren't in. The people they notify on the last day are the rejections.
The people they notify on the last day are the rejections.

That's probably mostly true, but I've been rejected a couple weeks before the deadline, and I've also been accepted after the deadline. Can go either way. If I remember correctly, SXSW rejected my film @ a week before the deadline. Regardless, I've learned to just stop waiting. It helps, mentally, to sort of just forget it.
From their submission FAQ:

I have completed the application process. When can I expect to hear from you regarding the status of my entry?

You will receive an email from SXSW to notify you that we have received your entry. We will notify you when we receive your entry or if your entry is incomplete. All filmmakers will be sent notification of their film's final status no later than Thursday, February 9, 2012.

INSIDER TIP: No news is good news. If you haven't heard from us, it means your film is still in the running. Please don't call us panicked unless you still haven't heard from us at all by Thursday, February 9, 2012. However, it gets pretty hectic around here. If you haven't heard anything by February 9, please feel free to check in with us after that date.​
thanks! :yes:

you-shually they annowns to winners way before real peeple so...chance not good

also program me short/long together so it not like one than next more like both one time

it is like ia lways loose at film festivle
I am still waiting

I'm still waiting to hear about my feature film too Maurice. Yall are right, a man can drive himself CRAZY! I think I've read everything there is online about sxsw over the last 3 weeks. I have heard that some filmmakers find out (both yes's and no's) just a couple days before the fest announces officially sometimes. Since it is a top tier festival I am telling myself to expect a rejection more than likely. They take some pretty slick well funded films and mine was self funded and micro-budget. But you gotta try to start big for your World Premiere they say.
I am Texan and shot my film half in Texas and LA, so in my desperate psychosis I've allowed myself to hope that gives me an extra fighting chance. ahh the things we can convince ourselves when we want something badly. haha. Good Luck to everybody still waiting!