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Super 8 lighting question.

Hello, I am beginning production on a short super 8 Film, shot on Kodachrome 100d with a canon 814 xl-s,shooting mainly indoors, I was wondering what lights you would recommend for this. I have heard some people suggest getting some cheap lights at home depot. Would you recommend this, and if so what type of lights should i buy?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
There's several threads you can find, looking for "Home Depot Lighting" in the forum search-tool.

Scoop-lights are very cheap (and come with clamps to help mount them). The worklights (the kind you'd see in someone's garage) can also be useful. Look up China Ball usage, too, though they may not have those at Home Depot. They are cheap, and extremely versatile.

Before doing anything, though, look up the basics of lighting theory such as Three-Point lighting.

Btw, make sure your S8 camera is reading the notches on that 100D cartridge properly. It's a newer stock that wasn't around when your camera was made.

If you have acces to a digital camera with manual settings, you can use that to guauge how the shot's going to look before you shoot. It will be approximate, but it will help.
