'sup peeps o/

Good lord, it's been a while! :cool:

Huge favour to ask, from anyone who might know.

I've lost Bird's e-mail address. If anyone happens to have it, or can let her know that I need it, it would be greatly appreciated.

Obviously, don't post it here. My current e-mail is in my profile. Let's just say that 2007 was not a kind year to my various computers. :blush:

Still making indie-films? Hell yah! That's what it's all about! :)
Holy $#%^! It's Zensteve! Hey, and welcome back, again...again.

Sorry, can't help you with an email address. Did you try looking up her member profile at IndieTalk? There is a "send email" option there, although we can't vouch if it is up to date.

Hope all is well with you sir, and I hope to see you around!

Good grief! its been a long time! Miss your smack-talkin'! I hope things are going okay for you. Drop by more often and tell us how you are!

-- spinner :cool:
Heh, I totally forgot about the Send Mail function. Here's hopin' it's current.

Ever get involved in one of those collaborative projects, that seemed like a good idea... at the time? Don't.

Woot! Nice deal on memberships atm. Got me my orange tag back already. :cool: