Strange Craigslist Ads ITT

Just browsing through CL late at night, hoping to score a fast gig. Found this, under Crew Gigs section:

Well used, trashed, male crew worn shoes wanted. Any size, color or style wanted....dress shoes, sneakers, boots or flip flops. Just want shoes worn on movie/ tv sets for long hours, especially shoes that have been worn on location in downtown los angeles. If you have any to sell, please let me know. I will pay from $20-$80 a pair or we can negotiate a price.

• Location: anywhere
•it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
• Compensation: $20 to $80 per pair or negotiable

Now... that's just weird. :lol:

Have any crazy film-related CL action near you? Be sure to copy/paste the contents, as the crazy ads often get deleted.
I wonder if you put an ad in your local CL stating "Have HD camera. Will record anything for $20 per1/2hr if you come over" just how many lunatics would reply?

Good price at HoDePo: $1.88 /EA-Each
More CL skimming, tonight.

Some weeks are just chock full of no-pay gigs. Usually a few ranting replies get thrown their way. Someone made this to vent a bit, I guess:

It's a crazy world. :cool:
Haha, "NO PAY"!

I think CL would benefit from separate forums for paid and volunteer gigs. There needs to be a place where you can ask for volunteers because there's a time and place to be volunteering, but I also feel for the working pro's who are tired of 80% of the gigs being charity work.

Funny, in my experience nobody pounces on actor casting calls for parts that offer no pay, but I put a generic "we're shooting, if you'd like to be a part of it..." post in a crew section once and it was flagged ASAP and got a lot of nasty responses haha.

Any aspiring and out of work film-makers feel like going on the road w (All over)

Date: 2012-03-29, 2:53PM PDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Any aspiring and out of work film-makers feel like going on the road with me for a year? To do a humanitarian web-series? Message me your # and we can talk about it! And facebook me Gaby Sunheart

• Compensation: no pay

A year is one heck of a commitment!