It's a good movie. Terrific acting, and some nice humor. But I was weirded out by one thing.
Plain and simple composition. It was really strange. The first couple times I noticed, I assumed it was on purpose, and thought, hmm, that's an interesting decision. But then, there were other times when I felt like there was just no chance in hell the shot composition was supposed to say anything, but instead, they just got really poorly composed shots (in my opinion).
The two things I saw most often were zero (and I mean zero) nose-room, and WAY too much head-room. Again, the first couple times I saw it, I assumed it was an artistic choice, but the more often it happened, I was like, damn, that's some piss-poor cinematography.
Illustrations provided for those who aren't familiar with head-room and nose-room:
Plain and simple composition. It was really strange. The first couple times I noticed, I assumed it was on purpose, and thought, hmm, that's an interesting decision. But then, there were other times when I felt like there was just no chance in hell the shot composition was supposed to say anything, but instead, they just got really poorly composed shots (in my opinion).
The two things I saw most often were zero (and I mean zero) nose-room, and WAY too much head-room. Again, the first couple times I saw it, I assumed it was an artistic choice, but the more often it happened, I was like, damn, that's some piss-poor cinematography.
Illustrations provided for those who aren't familiar with head-room and nose-room: