Story artist

Thanks everyone for your comments!

It's true I've focused more on shot design and story-telling than developing a unique style. Not for lack of want, it's just that I've always felt the ability to communicate an idea in story was more important than a recognizable drawing style. My hope has always been that the style would eventually show through over time.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'll always be working on it.


Nice. Do you really do storyboards this detailed? It must take a lot of work if you do. If not, I'd like to see some actual storyboards.
I've been experimenting with Prismacolor. I like how they look and I can do them pretty fast.

If you don't mind, could you explain why they don't qualify as storyboards? And what is it you'd like to see that you're not seeing?

Like I said, I'm here for experience.

Hit me.

I didn't say they don't qualify, but the ones I see are less detailed. It would be a lot of detail work to storyboard a feature this way.
My goal is find filmmakers that want to work with me because of what I put into my drawings.

The more I do, the faster I get.

I love reading a script and drawing it.

I love visualizing cool shots.

I love it love it love it.

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