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Stockholm Santa screening a the Chicago International REEL Shorts Film Fest

*happy dance*

Just got word that Stockholm Santa is going to be screening at the Chicago International REEL Shorts Film Festival this coming Saturday, September 8th at 2pm.

If you're in the area, come on down. Tickets are $10 and all the deets are here http://www.projectchicago.com

So excited!! Yay!!

Say a little prayer for me that my boss will let me out of work early so I can attend. :D
Congratulations! I would like to know how it goes too, if you get to see it that is. If you get the chance to see any other shorts I be interested to know how you think yours compares.

Thanks everyone! As far as I know there isn't any kind of Q&A or anything. I'll definitely let you all know how it goes. Even if I can't make it, Sean is gonna be there along with my parents and at least one of the actors. So I should get at least some feedback on the audience reaction and such :)
Well, due to traffic, construction and street festivals it took me an hour to go a mile and I got there after my short had screened.

Luckily Sean and my parents were there, along with John (Santa) and Trevor (Brady) with his family. So I at least got some feedback. :)

It sounds like it got some real laughs in the right spots and the audience got into it once they realized it was a comedy :P

Overall it was still a nice experience to see some other folks' shorts and get a feel for what fests are like. Here's hoping it won't be my last :P
I knew it would go well. You've got a little gem on your hands. Traffic-be-damned, make sure you're in attendance for the next screening, it's a lot of fun. :)
Wow, that sure was a bunch of bad luck getting in the way. At least you had your backup peeps there to give some reliable reports of the event.

Congrats again! :cheers:

Overall it was still a nice experience to see some other folks' shorts and get a feel for what fests are like. Here's hoping it won't be my last :P

Was this your first time at any film festival, btw? Even as audience?
Aw, missed this also. Congrats though, Dready and I'm so sorry you missed your screening but no worries, I'm positive it will run in many more festivals!