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watch "Starry Night" My last $0 film


Need to watch fullscreen HD to get the effect, every pixel used here for the paintstrokes.

Not perfect yet by any means, and if I had time I'd rebuild it twice, but now the que is stacking up, so I just have to release it as is.
Limbo is an awesome game. I need to download it!

Interesting thing you've done, man. It'd be sweet to see you apply it to live action and narrative.

Only thing I"d say is to at least credit the game makers for the demo footage you used, since it's the primary piece. I didn't see it, but maybe I missed the credit? Just out of respect for those guys and their hard work.
Limbo is an awesome game. I need to download it!

Interesting thing you've done, man. It'd be sweet to see you apply it to live action and narrative.

Only thing I"d say is to at least credit the game makers for the demo footage you used, since it's the primary piece. I didn't see it, but maybe I missed the credit? Just out of respect for those guys and their hard work.

I was originally going to say limbo machinima in the title, but I thought no one would watch a machinima clip, becuase usually its just 2 halo characters making stupid jokes. Machinima gets a bad rap just like other indie film these days, so I prefer to let the audience figure it out usually. Also this game is topping charts right now, so I kind of assumed people would know what it was.

But in case it wasn't obvious to some, this is original footage comes from a game called "Limbo" and has been heavily modified and edited over several days, requiring about 10 hours work and 25 hours processing on a 16 core server.

I've stripped the soundtrack and rebuilt it, and also added in a lot of color and texture that wasn't originally there. I wrote all the music, used my own sound effects, and created the end credits. Also some of the camera moves were mine such as the zoom and spiral on the spider.

The focus of this piece was to create a very unique textural look and a unique feel with the music.
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never heard of it.. whats this for Nate? (other then a work of art, which is ok by me)

Just a little art project to experiment with this style, and I also wanted an excuse to write some music. I really like the way the look turned out.

My camera is coming in about a week, so I thought, I'll make one last machinima film, and make it kind of a simple and upbeat message to the indie community.

I also used several Van Gogh paintings as a base layer, which is why you see some of the colors of the original painting "starry night" in the brushstrokes here and there in the film.
I really liked the Van Gogh style visuals, they reminded me a little bit of some of the better hand drawn animation stuff I'd seen. :)

I didn't really like the supertitles because they reminded me of those cheesy motivational posters, but I guess that's just me :lol:

I didn't realise it was a fan video until I read Kholi's post after watching it. That's fine with me but I don't really buy the whole 'no-one wants to watch a machinima' thing because it would've cost you nothing to at least give the creators an acknowledgement in the end credits, especially given that you gave yourself about six! :D

Anyhow all things considered, I enjoyed it. Would be nice to see that technique applied to some narrative animation work.
Yeah, I thought about loosing the text. I think it might be a better piece without them.

I let people know where the source footage is from very early, but it wouldn't matter. This film was intended as a stylistic experiment, and will never make any money, or get any recognition.

I just credited myself 6 times as a joke. This was just a recreational project.