Starring In Your First Feature Film.. Suicide?

I am 18 years old turning 19 next month. However, I plan on making my first feature length film very soon. I have created many short films and feel as if I'm ready mentally to create my first feature length film.

I do also plan to have the main role in it myself. I am an actor. I have taken classes for a couple of years in theater arts and acting for the camera.

However, I just want to get down to the point. Is it suicide for someone to do that?

What are your opinions? Thanks guys.

This is a really awesome board for independent films.
It can either go really wrong (rent Tommy Wisseau's "The Room") or really well, but you might find you learn more about the filmmaking process and also come out of it with a better product if you have someone else direct you or you direct someone else. Then you can put all of your energy into one or the other. It also helps to have different perspectives come to a script. Someone else might have insights into your characters and stories that you didn't really think about but will give them more dimension in the end.
Having just done it on a short, I can tell you it's very difficult, and it's gets harder the less experienced your other crew members are. When Clint eastwood does it, he KNOWS that his script supervisor, 1st AD, DP, etc... are very good and totally understand his vision. He can delegate to them and not worry about it tooo, allowing him to focus on his performance. We are not always that lucky, leaving you with divided attention.
Starring In Your First Feature Film.. Suicide?

Welles didn't think so. The key is, as Gonzo says, having a competent crew that KNOW what you need. This is rare on a lot of indies, which tend to be one-man-band affairs with the director also making sure the lighting is proper and the cameras are white-balanced and checking the headphones to make sure the mics are plugged in, etc. But if you plan enough ahead of time, and your crew knows your vision and isn't meeting you for the first time the day of the shoot, you can make it work.

Just remember the 6 "P"s of independent film: Prior Preparation Prevents Piss-Poor Productions
a bit like saying Einstein didn't think math was too difficult.

"Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater." -Einstein

Yeah, we can't all be Welles. But we can all aspire to make things of Kane quality. Point being, if not for Toland, Hermann, Wise, et al it would have been a far different film.
"Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater." -Einstein

Yeah, we can't all be Welles. But we can all aspire to make things of Kane quality. Point being, if not for Toland, Hermann, Wise, et al it would have been a far different film.

My performer for my first short...they want to remain anonymous.....they were quite happy...being behind a mask :D