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watch star wars fan made web series

Hey folks,

i'm a newbie on this message boards. Please forgive me if make any mistake.

i'm a no-budget film maker and videographer from Turkey. i've been dealing with a non-profit star wars fan project for 5 years. totally 6 webisodes of web series called Rise of The Rebellion. 3 webisodes are avaible for view. and i ll release 3 more in a couple of months.

Please check out : www.riseoftherebellion.com

direct vimeo channel : http://vimeo.com/channels/132852
i'm a newbie on this message boards. Please forgive me if make any mistake.

Welcome to Indietalk. No one will hassle you here.

It's amazing the amount of work that goes into fan films. I thought some shots were a little cheap looking, but others stuck in my mind. You definitely evoked an atmosphere, and I want to see more. If you're in Turkey, with access to great scenery, forests and deserts, I'd want to see more of that, instead of just CGI backgrounds.


Two things from the intro vid:

"On Spring 2010" should just be "Spring 2010"

'Alliance was born from the ashes...' should be "AN Alliance was born from the ashes'

It'd be a shame to spoil all that CGI work with easily fixed grammar. I can also help correct your intro to episode one if you like.


Thanks for keeping the Star Wars universe alive.
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thank you very much for your feedback...yes grammar mistakes are a big shame :blush::blush: a british guy of mine corrected all the script but probably he missed some details.

Anyway we've already complete all shootings 3 years ago. But due to some other daily life problems (business etc.) we had to delay things. i ll release 4th webisode next month and will release 5th and 6th on summer.

and by the way there is no desert in Turkey (yes many people thinks there are deserts in turkey but no) but we shot some nice forrest which firstly appears in 3rd webisode and later webisodes...
It's clear that a TON of work was put into this...which saddens me to no end when no work was put into casting real actors. People seem to forget the power of a good actor...they can take a weak script...weak production values...and captivate you. But nothing can save bad acting.

Good luck with this. Kudos.
estimated 10K USD (total in 5 years) :D none of the cast and crew get paid. besides everyone in cast and crew spent their own money for series
These are really awesomely done.

But I always think it's a shame with this sort of thing that people have such prodigious talent and enthusiasm but can't channel that into putting together an original idea. There are loads of sci-fi scripts knocking about waiting for someone with technical talent and interest to produce them, why not adapt one of them if you aren't interested in writing yourself? I get that Star Wars is a great film and people want to express their appreciation for it, I just think that it would be more rewarding to produce something original...
... will release 5th and 6th on summer.

Here's an indicator of the previously mentioned grammar error. I'm assuming in Turkish, "on" is the correct preposition to use with a season, in English, we use "in the" and don't necessarily have to have it when presenting the season as its own entity. English is primarily a blend of French and German grammar (heavy on the German - as they conquered first).

I love fan films and look forward to watching these later today.
Here's an indicator of the previously mentioned grammar error.

Oh, the irony. The use of the phrase "grammar error" is a very common grammatical error. :D

"Grammar" is a noun. The only time a noun can be used as an adjective, as with the phrase "grammar error", is if it is a compound noun, like "water pump", or "turkey sandwich". The difference between "water pump" and "grammar error" is that there is no adjective form of the word "water", whereas "grammar" does have an adjective form -- "grammatical". So, proper English would be "grammatical error".

Sorry, I grew up with an English teacher for a father. He harped on me, constantly, even when I broke grammatical rules intentionally. I actually agree with yours and Positive's sentiment. This fan-made web series is pretty darn cool, and it would benefit by fixing a few grammatical errors and misspellings (particularly in the opening scrawl -- that can be fixed, easily).

Happens to the best of us ;)

I think the internet is an incredible place that can allow folks to get translations done and get their work into many more international markets. That could be an interesting service to get into... offering a translation service for international filmmakers, either full on or just cleaning up grammical errors (we'll split the difference here CF) like these before they release.

I now return you all to your regularily scheduled thread and apologize for going off-topic. I will be watching these tonight.
That's a lot of effort and resources.
Excellent fan fic.

I've never seen quite so much effort put into fan fic, inspiring me to both investigate the legality of such http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Star_Wars (looks like you guys are doing okay as long as you keep everything "family oriented") as well as other fan fic productions listed at imdb, http://www.imdb.com/keyword/fan-film .

Pretty cool.

What sort of feedback were you interested in? Regarding what aspects of your current product?

While I'm not exactly a fan of fan-fics of bigtime productions like Star Wars, some of the visuals were pretty impressive. The acting kills the effectiveness of the series though, there just doesn't seem to be emotion involved in what is said.

In any case, I wish you guys luck; I know how much work goes into stuff like this.
I love Star Wars fan films and I'll start off with that. One thing, almost a constant, is that they are either made by CGI guys who knock it out of the park in their department, but put about 10 minutes into the acting and non-CGI sound or the actors who didn't think writers or CGI folks were important and talk until someone whips out a light saber and pointless action shots ensue.

The first Star Wars fan film with a director who can balance the two and fill in the gaps will be a genre god. :cool: