star power

hi guys, been a while since I last posted. how we all doing?

I've been trying to come up with a promotional plan to help get finance for my tv series and wanted your opinion on one.

Do you think it would work if we, as film makers, used the power of celebrity status to help get more funding on kickstarter/indiegogo. for example, if by some
miracle you can get an Alist actor such as Emma Watson or Patrick Stewart to appear, could you go on say, star trek forums plugging your indiegogo campaign because capt. Picard is appearing or the harry potter forums etc.

anyway, just a random idea I had, what do you guys think?
Absolutely this could work but you have to think on a smaller scale.

If, for example, you got someone who appeared in a few episodes of Doctor Who in the 80s it would be well worth exploring the Who fandom for crowdfunding. Similar for former Star Trek actors.

But, obviously, if you had Emma Watson or Patrick Stewart crowd funding would not be an option.
I think it's a great idea.

If you can get an A-list star to appear that would very much help you
get financing. You might not even need a crowd funding site. You could
go directly to investors.
Definitely! If you can attach a known name to ur project, it will help everything from getting investors to better crew working for lower rates, film festivals taking more notice, distribution...
An investor explained to me that name talent is like taking on story material with a pre-existing fan base in that it builds equity with distributors and investors as a way they will see their money coming back.

So, it is a great idea.
wait, Im not sure the OP is saying to get an A-LISTER in the film, rather the A-Lister could appear in the kickstarter video endorsing the project. ??

hey wheatgrinder, no what I meant was getting the Alister signed to the TV show then promoting it on their fanpages etc.

Thanks for the replies, all I need to do now is get the damned screenplays finished.

On a side note, if you had a choice, would you pefer to go the crowd funding route, direct to investors or a bit or both?
On a side note, if you had a choice, would you pefer to go the crowd funding route, direct to investors or a bit or both?
For me it would depend on the total budget.

I would prefer investors for a project with a A-list star because their
salary alone will be in the seven figures. And having an A-lister in the
movie drives up other costs - you will no longer use your DIY equipment
or the guy you met on line who owns a t2i. I don't know if crowd funding
is the right choice for a movie costing above $1,000,000.

If the total budget is below $100,000 crowd funding might be the only
choice. Even then I would prefer investors as difficult as they are to get.