Skilled and creative beginniner with HUGE ambition!

This is my first post, and who I am!

My name is Trevor Irwin. I'm 19 years old and have been in love with filmmaking my entire life. Having recently came into adulthood however, I'm taking drastic and serious steps towards beginning a career. I'm here to get ideas and advice from the community.

About me:
- I am in love with almost the entire filmmaking process. From pre-production to the editing room. I am very hands on with my work, and to relate it to a successful filmmaker, I'd compare myself to the "one man film crew" philosophy that Robert Rodriguez uses in his films.
- I do it all because I love it. I enjoy writing, directing, acting, editing, camerawork, effects, anything and everything I can get at, I'll do. Even if I get a large budget where I can hire people to do such jobs, I still plan on being a big part of each of those roles.
- I am in college right now, but I feel like it was a huge mistake. I should have been pursuing film from the get go instead of wasting and money (student loans) and time going to school. I guess my main issue with school is that I'm very intelligent but I lack the focus and organization for school. (IE. I ace all my tests but get C's and below for missing assignments/late work.) Still, I'm only about a semester away from and associates degree, so I'm at least going to stick it out for that since I'm already there.
- My greatest talent is writing. I have always been a gifted writer and I have a great appreciation for language. I thrive on creativity and coming up with something different.
- I was a part of a pretty good news program in high school. I'm not talking $50 cameras and windows movie maker. They had a good budget and we worked with good equipment. I learned a lot of good technical skills there. The basics of filmmaking and editing. The rest of my knowledge would be anything and everything I could suck up from special features in films. You'd be amazed at the wealth of knowledge if you've never watched any... they're goldmines.

1.) First and foremost, I have one feature film that I want to be my debut once I can get funding for a big project. It's the first of my action series, called "Angels of Death". I've put everything I have into writing the script. It's still a work in progress, but I'm extremely proud of what I have so far. I think I'm around 12,000 words and I have a solid plot and storyline. I'm just filling in dialogue and characterization at this point. I already have a good idea on where I want to take the sequel as well.

This is my primary focus and the ultimate goal that I am working towards for the next few years.
I do believe that I could sell the script for a good amount of money already, but I want to direct it myself and I wrote this with a very high budget in mind; I will not sell the script short by doing this without the proper budget or letting some hot shot director ruin my film. That being said, I'm working on several smaller projects to build my own reputation.

2.) This is step one for what I'm trying to do with my life and how I intend to meet my other goals. I'm sure this is also a very common goal on this forum: Sundance Film Festival. I'm going to write, shoot and edit as many low budget films as I can and go take them to Sundance. This is what I'm working on now.

3.) Start a production company. Once I can establish myself as a filmmaker, I want to own all my own equipment and not have to rely on any big names. I guess this is the long term goal.

So that's me. Film is my life. As far as who I am outside of film, I'm a pretty laid-back person. I'm very opinionated and outspoken, but I'll save that for the content of my work instead of on websites such as this. I like parties, travel, extreme experiences (SCUBA for instance), and most of all beautiful women. lol
Welcome man! I'm also 19 and have a production company with my friends. I wish you all the best and understand exactly where your coming from. Happy trails and I'll see you around the forum =)
Hey there, TI

Well, that's quite an introduction.

Those goals are fantastic. With that kind of attitude, I've got a feeling you're going places, young man.

Hope you stick around and learn some stuff. There's some amazingly talented and knowledgeable people here, and they don't charge you for advice. Pretty cool, no?


Welcome Grasshopper!

I'm one of the audio guys here.

Keep in mind that the search function is your friend. Everyone here is always very glad to help you out, but a lot of the "basics" questions have been asked and answered many times.

And always remember:

"Sound is half of the experience"<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

"Old man, how is it that you hear these things?"

"Young man, how is it that you do not?"
I wish I had a friend like you.

Or I wish I was near where you're at, so we could bounce off each other. I need someone like that.

See you at Sundance '14? :cool:
@ ALL - First, thanks for the welcoming people! I appreciate it!

@ LIFE - Way I see it, guys like us are the future of filmmaking. Because when the guys who are doing it now die or fade from glory, it's up to our generation to do it!

@ Adeimantus - Wow, what a name! lol
Thanks for the encouragement! And yes, I'm already finding that there is an amazing amount of "know how" here. Also good to see a Michigan name here! That's home for me!

@ Alcove - I've been on similar forums before, so while I'm a newb here, I got the general rules of the land. Still, I'll admit that I'm a little lazy for using the search button at times. I'll try though. And I absolutely agree that sound is very important. It's just an unappreciated art, because if you're good, the audience never notices! Only bad audio is audible. Sort of a catch 22, eh?

@ Danjama - I'm in Missouri, USA. In a little crap town no one has ever heard of. lol I'm from the city, however. Detroit born, then went to high school in KC.
You're a little cocky there, aren't ya?

It's more of a motivation through confidence thing. Way I see it, I have to believe in myself first and foremost, and that starts with knowing what I'm good at. Not really trying to brag, just playing to my strengths.
Sounds like you'd be better at being a motivational speaker than a filmmaker. This is what you are looking for:

Funny. I like the satire, but in all seriousness I'm going to be a filmmaker or die trying. You can respect that or you can not, but I'm never going to give up.

Again, this is SELF motivation. To explain it to you so that you don't think I'm being a pompus ass, I'll break it down for you.
I tell myself that I'm going to be one of the best. Right now, NO ONE can prove that I'm right or that I'm wrong about that. So all I have is my belief in myself. It's a psychological trick: like going into a competitive sports game, if you doubt your success from the kickoff, you will fail. But if you go into it, saying "I'm going to win this game" you'll at least have the right mindset to keep from giving up.

Does that mean I think I'm the better than everyone else? Not in the least, but it means I'm going to bust my ass to become the best I can be. Dig it?
Funny. I like the satire, but in all seriousness I'm going to be a filmmaker or die trying. You can respect that or you can not, but I'm never going to give up.

Again, this is SELF motivation. To explain it to you so that you don't think I'm being a pompus ass, I'll break it down for you.
I tell myself that I'm going to be one of the best. Right now, NO ONE can prove that I'm right or that I'm wrong about that. So all I have is my belief in myself. It's a psychological trick: like going into a competitive sports game, if you doubt your success from the kickoff, you will fail. But if you go into it, saying "I'm going to win this game" you'll at least have the right mindset to keep from giving up.

Does that mean I think I'm the better than everyone else? Not in the least, but it means I'm going to bust my ass to become the best I can be. Dig it?

Please don't take my humor the wrong way. I fully understood what you meant to say. If you post around here and I reply with a rude, slightly sarcastic response, laugh. Then I'll stop. If you get angry I'll just keep going.
Please don't take my humor the wrong way. I fully understood what you meant to say. If you post around here and I reply with a rude, slightly sarcastic response, laugh. Then I'll stop. If you get angry I'll just keep going.

I sort of saw that. I wasn't mad, but I was unsure if you were serious or not and I do realize that I could have come across as being pretty arrogant. I am a little arrogant, but not to the point where it's excessive.

Trust me, I'm a HUGE fan of sarcasm, I just usually need to hear it to pick up on it. Written sarcasm is very hard to detect.
I sort of saw that. I wasn't mad, but I was unsure if you were serious or not and I do realize that I could have come across as being pretty arrogant. I am a little arrogant, but not to the point where it's excessive.

Trust me, I'm a HUGE fan of sarcasm, I just usually need to hear it to pick up on it. Written sarcasm is very hard to detect.

:lol: Good. We'll get along perfectly. (Not sarcasm)
Nice to meet you TI!
Do you have any films you've done that I could see?

Unfortunately, no. I'm 19 and I JUST now started pursuing film instead of college and other things that I used to try to be interested in.

I'll post up when I get some work done.