editing Simple After Effects 3D buildings

Hi all,
I have a client who wants something similar to my Rowans Cool Yak Hat video.

But set on a city street. Iv been having a heck of time finding suitable city street assets, anyway, I realized that I might just have to make my own. In thinking about this, I recalled seeing free down loadable paper scale models of various buildings. As a test I downloaded this PDF http://www.illinoishistory.gov/ps/construct_mainstreet_tinsley.htm I used the images in the pdf as layers to form a primitive model in AE. It seems to work OK.

It will be fine for what Im going to do. There are other models for entire street fronts so it should go fast. This silly flyby took about an hour. Which is not bad. (the camera move was just random, took a few mins)
good vray city

Here's a good Vray city someone built, to give you an idea how far you can scale up if you need to.


I really like your scene though, great work for after effects. A lot of people don't even know it does 3d.
Thanks Nate,
Yeah, AE for 3d is more like 2.5D :)

Im working on vanity film logo for a local hiphop producer, something to stick at the begging of his videos\web ads etc.

The girl with the AK is my daughter and is just a place holder until I get the actual footage of the producer. These postings are for him to look at and give feedback on the currentl direction. I post em here out of habit. The first post I made was to point others to that resource of paper model building plans that can be turned into AE 3d buildings pretty easy.

Here is a new rev by the way..

