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watch showreel and thanks

Have been away from the boards, keeping busy (or trying to!) with some projects, nothing too crazy.

Finally got around to putting a showreel together. This one is geared toward dark and creepy visuals which is more of the direction I'd like to go.



Thanks to the following IT members for offering input during the editing process. It takes a village.

Steven Richards, Brian Luce, John Kilderry, Eugene Hughes

I can certainly get in the zone and really do enjoy cutting up footage, but it is essential to get some eyes on it to find out what's working for people and what isn't. OK to edit in a cave-like vacuum. Not a good idea to hit the upload button before getting some feedback.

I'm really looking forward to shooting some new material this year. Just not sure when or how or what!

Hope everyone is doing well.


* and I use my full name only because I got tired of being confused with the gay porn star Jeff Palmer. Oh, you don't know about his work? His IMDb credits are impressive! :lol: Maybe by 2015 I'll just go by Blake. haha.
Hey Jeff!

Sorry for not giving any feedback, it's the last day of term and I've been swamped. Off for 6 weeks now though!

Looks great though, you have your visual style down to a tee and the music works really nicely with the hallucinatory effects. Great job! :)
Ok, I see you obviously did not follow my suggestion for inclusion of "lots of boobs & lesbos" BUT it is still amazing, love the timing, colors and how you capture the energy at the best moment ...Great Stuff Man ! other than the lacking of mammalian protuberances and women w/ certain lifestyles...he he he
Whether it will lead to more gigs or opportunititties I know not, but it was a good exercise in splicing a reel together. Time to get some new footage for the next one. Bring on the boobs! :cool: -- maybe in 3D?