Short Film Soundtracks

Anybody know a way to get cheap but good music for an indie soundtrack? Aside from just messaging bands on myspace?
Needle-drop is what you should explore. There are plenty of recording studios and composers who have HUGE libraries of music at your disposal. Some of them will charge a flat-rate for each track. Some of them are willing to let you use their music free-of-charge, for the purpose of submitting your film to festivals, and then only expect payment (which should be agreed upon in advance) if/when you make a sale of your movie, and/or get distribution.

I'm sure there are TONS of them out there, but here are a couple I've been exploring:
Also, are you musically and technologically inclined? Do you know how to, or could you figure out how to MIDI sequence?

All of the work of the old dead classical composers is public domain. What isn't public domain is any recording of it. But if you know how to sequence, it is (relatively) quite easy to make a classical piano composition fit what you want. And that way, the recording is yours.

I would limit it to piano, because piano is easy to make sound "real", as opposed to, say, a full symphony, or even just a few stringed instruments. Unless you're a total pro, any instrument except for piano is going to sound fake and synthesized.

The following is an example of how I used MIDI sequencing to adapt a classical piece to fit what I needed:

The original (not public domain):

My MIDI-sequenced adaptation:
I had the luxury of having recording facilities and a free producer (he was an executive producer on the film) at my disposal so I was able to offer some local bands free recording in exchange for the Movie use only rights to the song.
I know Im not allowed to advertise here...but I know someone who is underpaid by the Ballet and Philharmonic and does wonderful work on the side...for reasonable can PM me for her email...

I think that sound is just as important as what you see...and while audio for CDs tend to be squashed as far as dynamics are concerned...the less of that in video...the can produce stuff to jump right off the video and immurse people...if you know can make a so-so production a cool thing to watch.
Just tell me what you need (length, style, moods) and maybe we can work something out. I am building my soundtracking portfolio so I'm always open for low/no budget work.

I work a lot with piano and build my music around simple but effective themes. I can easily deliver my music via the internet in any digital format you require.

My most recent soundtrack was a contemporary classical one for a short documentary with no budget. The separate tracks are streamable at

You can contact Marc at Phalera filmworks ( about his experience with me as composer.

Stay in touch!

Thats nice CF.. what did you use for piano sounds? Giga sampler? an external mod?.. tell me I must know!

Oops, I never answered this. Re-discovered this thread cuz I'm looking for a couple songs.

Anyway, thanks. The piano was from my trusty Roland XP-50. Sequenced and recorded in Sonar XL.
get on and post! that's what i did and i have tons of music stock piled for later use!, some bands ask for pay, most wont if you say you can't pay. Make sure you have a good summary to pitch to them!