Short Film Casting

When you write a a script(in this case a short film) and after u read it you realize that the main character has your story, your characteristics and some how you managed to give him your name should you just play the role yourself since there is so much of the you in the character and the story??

ps i did this by accident i was just in the zone writing at the library and just kept writing and fiished the script and i read it and realized that it was my voice my person and i was talking about myself in the story
should you just play the role yourself since there is so much of the you in the character and the story??

There's quite a large difference between how you view yourself, and how others view you.

Edit: Have you ever watched a casting process, btw? You can give identical sides to 40 actors in a day - every single one will bring something different & unique to the same part.
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I've written many characters that are me in many
ways. Even female characters. I'm not an actor so
I would never play a art in any of my movies. If you
feel that you are the very best actor who can play
the part then you should play it.
I think every character I've written for was either me, part of me, or in some way how I interpreted myself. Yet I would never play such a character. But if you feel no one could do that character justice but yourself, then go for it. Aint no rule in this game.
There's nothing wrong with a director playing a role. Orson welles did it many times.
It just comes down to how good an actor you are.

I can see what you're saying. Most the chracters I write are essentially me. I have thought about playing the roles if I made the films, but I know a proper actor would do a better job.
tru its something im struggling with the more and more i read it the more i c myself playing it but since i want to win the competition i dont want to mess it up i prolly will cast someone else in the role just to make sure though i just have this feeling that i can do it and i acted in hs i was in the drama club
I was the plan b for the lead in my last film. I'm glad I found an actor to do it however. A director has plenty on his plate without adding learning lines to it. It certainly can and has been done, but must be pretty tough to add that ball to the many you are juggling.
I've read before that when you write a script, all the characters in any particular script, are just manifestations of different parts of yourself, be it concious or sub-concious. So you needn't really worry about characters turning out pretty much like yourself when you write. But I feel you should always give casting calls a try first because you never know how impressed you can get at what some would-be actors bring onto the table. :)
that makes sense alzidaney alot of sense but like im gonna go with myself as its more of a visual film and the emotion i can pretty much convey myself but i will do a casting call for my next one or this one as im 2 weeks away from filming although i subconsciously wrote this as my tru self thanks for the advice yall ill be sure to let yall know how it goes as i get closer to filming