Shooting inside.

I have a problem. How would I shoot inside looking out of 3 huge windows without making the inside to dark and the outside extremely bright.

thank you.

Looks like this:


Want it like this:

Use bounce, Cloudy days and lights...early AM / sunset.... think...think It can be done on a micro budget. just not always easy.:yes:

Or just put the cam on "auto" everything will be fine ????:no::rolleyes::blush:
If you want to use effects, you could green-screen out the entryway and replace it in post.

Great idea, just set exposure on the talent and interior and use a combo of greenscreen / compositing to correct the blown out windows. do a separate take where exposure is correct on the windows and put on a top layer and use it to mask over the over exposed lower layer, works as long as the talent does not move into the blown out areas.
do a separate take where exposure is correct on the windows and put on a top layer and use it to mask over the over exposed lower layer, works as long as the talent does not move into the blown out areas.

True, if done that way one could forgo the greenscreen altogether. But you'd have to lock down the camera and, as you say, the actors couldn't cross through the matte, which they would be able to do with the greenscreen.
Use bounce, Cloudy days and lights...early AM / sunset.... think...think It can be done on a micro budget. just not always easy.
That's the lo/no budget approach I'd take.
ND sheets and greenscreens are above the practical limits of most of us here.

Even in the given example you can see the photographer waited until an even, thin cloud, overcast day dimmed the background sky while still allowing some sunlight to cast shadows on the floor.

The interior was probably lit up like a football field at night.
Also, lots and lots of REALLY bright light indoors. Talking HMI's. That'll help balance out the outdoor, though you'll be running at higher apertures without ND on your lens then.
If you want to use effects, you could green-screen out the entryway and replace it in post.

I recommend considering this, as previous experience with it has done me really well. I had to patch up a window on a really sunny day before. I just put the sheets out over the window, took a few shots and then pulled a really nice key in After Effects.

Good luck!