I'm a nobody, & he'd probably get my project more views, so ya. But I imagine it has to be very low budget because it wouldn't get much financing. And it actually has to be great. It has to use his notoriety in a way that gets people's attention.Would you hire him for one of your own films?
It's a cool video. I like it.
I would definitely like to work with Sia. I'm a fan. Probably have to get that album now.
I don't know what the facts are on the plagiarism charge. Even if they're all true, like you said, it's been some time. And I'm thinking: forgive and forget, give the guy another chance or chances.
I do have to say I dig his more mature look in that video.
It's been long enough that forgiveness does seem appropriate, and yeah he's great in that video.
The only actor I actively refuse to support with my views or money is kat Williams because I saw his standup advocating dog fighting with pit bulls and talking about how the dogs want to fight. I love my pitbull and took that pretty personally.
You think Kat had bad experiences with dogs?
Shooting stray dogs to help get into character? I'd like to help him get into character.Long overdue for an update...
Shia should have never been forgiven.
This dude is a fucking SNAKE
Hiding his herpes with makeup so that he can have sex and infect other people DURING HIS FLARE UPS, wtf!!
Shia 'covered STD symptoms with makeup' to hide it from FKA Twigs, she claims
SHIA LaBeouf’s ex-girlfriend FKA Twigs claimed the actor “covered STD symptoms with make-up” to hide the disease, as he “knowingly” infected her, The Sun can exclusively reveal. FKA Twigs, wh…www.the-sun.com
FKA Twigs also claimed Shia “made the horrific boast” that he would allegedly “drive around neighborhoods in Los Angeles and shoot stray dogs.” to get into character for his movie The Tax Collector
Shia was good in Peanut Butter Falcon but this shit is so fucking disgusting I never want to see him in anything else ever again.
After he was presented with the claims and the lawsuit, Shia told The New York Times that "many of these allegations are not true," but that he owed the women "the opportunity to air their statements publicly and accept accountability for those things I have done.”
FKA Off Shia
Alleged is important here, if "innocent until proven guilty" is still of any importance to us, to any of us. What's his side of the story? It does sound like she has physical evidence her herpes is his herpes. Even so, is that the whole story?
"…reckless disregard for the health and safety of his partner…" is one way to characterize such behavior. I'd call it evil, especially if the makeup allegation is true. But I'm old fashioned that way. I recall reading Dan Savages' advice to a supplicant from years ago. He told her (I think it was a she) she had no obligation to inform a sexual partner she had herpes. The point is, if the progressive, moral arbiter Dan Savage says it's okay to choose not to disclose one's herpes then who am I to judge? In fact, I believe that was one of the last straws, if not the last straw, to repel me away from Mr. Savage's advice. Your mileage may vary.
In Mr. LaBeouf’s favor, it's apparently the case most Americans do have herpes, anyway. So perhaps Mr. Savage was right: we shouldn't be so uptight about it. I do hope they are able to cure herpes using CRISPR or some similar tool one day.
It all reminds me of that scene from Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
PS: Is nothing private anymore? Truly.
if "innocent until proven guilty" is still of any importance to us