announcement Server Issue


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
The server crashed last night and we had to move to a new server. Unfortunately some data was lost but only about 2 days, so if you made a post, blog, sent a PM, or signed up (etc.) in the last two days (since around noon EDT Friday) please just repeat the process.

There are backups done multiple times daily but do to this particular server issue the most recent ones were corrupt, however I will see if anything can be restored with data recovery, but it is doubtful or could cause further issues trying to inject just that data. At least it is only 2 days.

Sorry for any inconvenience!
It is like stepping into a time machine.

In my mind the last three days no longer happened then...

I hope everyone has a good weekend :)
It is like stepping into a time machine.

In my mind the last three days no longer happened then...

I hope everyone has a good weekend :)

And now we can all chat about the weekend that Never Was! Remember when those aliens landed in Lisbon, and wouldn't leave until they got ice cream? Or when the president of General Motors revealed that he was, in fact, a Transformer. That one-day screening of <insert your favorite movie that does or does not exist yet> was AWESOME! And who knew that orange soda could cure cancer! I would have guessed birch beer, but no! Shame I lost that PM by Terry Gilliam asking me to score his next film though.

Server glitches always suck, but glad you got everything up and running again!
It was like that episode of The Simpsons when everyone's TV's stop working and all the kids go outside all bleary eyed and play. When the forum wasn't working I was imagining all these indie film makers wondering around outside shielding their eyes from the harsh daylight.
It was like that episode of The Simpsons when everyone's TV's stop working and all the kids go outside all bleary eyed and play. When the forum wasn't working I was imagining all these indie film makers wondering around outside shielding their eyes from the harsh daylight.

A pretty accurate description of how it looked yeah!;)