How much time does it take to get the venue?
Call them next monday.
If you get a 'no': find a new one.
In the meantime you can look for people who are interested by posting a casting call.
Use a parallel way of thinking instead of the lineair chain.
(You can look around for wallpaper and furniture while the house is being built.)
Like I said before: if you wait till the venue is secured, you may find yourself with little time left to get a cast. You want maximum time, the only way to get maximum time is to act now.
The options:
- Secure venue first and post casting call later.
If securing takes long: less time to cast: you can end up with no cast.
If securing goes fast: start casting fast, still no garantuee for a good complete cast, but you have more time to cast
If you get no venue, you don't have to cast. (And you don't have to shoot, so you don't have to edit. This way and outcome leaves you with more sparetime than any other option
- Secure venue and post casting call at the same time:
You may have to find a backup venue, but you use the maximum time you have to get the cast together.
You can end up with:
- no venue and a cast
- a venue and a cast
- a venue and no cast
- both a venue and a cast
What happens when you can't get the venue?
Find a new one or call your cast and cancel your project.
(It's quite simple
The world won't end, only your momentum)
You are worried your casting call will be late, but still you linger to post one.
That's counter-productive.
As if anyone will say: "You forgot to post the mention 1 month before the casting call: go back to square 1".
The only way to get to square 1, is not taking the action that is necessary to get things done.
However, if you wait for the venue, people might say: "You are posting this casting call too late: it sounds interesting, but I already promised my grandma to go to the zoo tomorrow."
People like to plan ahead: so early casting is preferred.
Post the casting call. Mention you still are arranging the venue, but you will know more soon. As soon it's secured: post a new one and edit the old casting call.
You need both the venue and the cast, so why wait with one of them?
Take a chance!
(About 6 months ago I was making a 'short fun trailer like thing'. If I had waited for all locations to be confirmed, I would have 4 days left to do some casting.
While I was looking around for 'the location' I already posted a casting call about 3 weeks ahead.
First location was denied, the second bounced and the third was OKed.)