... you're not giving us any real information to refute what I'm saying. Again, the numbers just don't add up here.
Either I'm giving you information and "the numbers just don't add up" or I'm not giving you information and there are no numbers to add up.
Which purchasers of feature films (we're not talking TV) ...
Where did the OP state they were not talking TV? Most of the major film studios have TV channels and broadcast a significant number of indie features, not to mention the thousands of TV channels worldwide which broadcast indie features sporadically. Why dismiss by far the biggest market sector for indie film/content makers?
Of course I know that there are hundreds of forums. But almost none of them get any traffic. I thought I was clear on that.
You were clear, clearly wrong! I see a significant amount of traffic on quite a number of internet forums for filmmakers.
Those people who hire you -- they're filmmakers. It's one thing to produce audio that is up to professional specs, it's a whole other thing to have a feature film in your hands, that belongs to you ...
Thanks for telling me who employs me, it's good to finally find out after 20 years! FYI (as you obviously need some!), I'm most commonly employed by producers and/or directors. The films don't technically "belong" to the producers, it belongs to the investor/s and as you rightly say, in the commercial world producers tend to hire various teams of professionals (like me) to actually make the film, so it's a bit of a stretch to call them a film
maker. The person most responsible for actually making the film is the director but like me, they are usually hired employees of the production company too and the film does not "belong" to them either. I thought you would know these basics of commercial filmmaking but thanks for trying to educating me!
The work that you do, in audio, does not give you the insight of what it's like to produce and/or direct a film.
Thanks again for explaining my job to me! On the other hand, you do realise what my job actually is and what it entails? No, I didn't think so, so here's some "insight" for you: Ignoring the fact that there are very close parallels between a director's role and the supervising sound editor's role, the latter stages of the audio post process is the first time that all the elements of the film come together. So it's not at all uncommon that at some stage during the premix or final mix the investors, execs and/or distributor come to see how the final product is shaping up. This means of course that I'm usually present to witness their first reactions, their comments on what they were looking for/expecting and the responses of the director and producer, and of course I'm also one of those in the front line for any alterations which may be required. None of this makes me an expert on what distributors, producers, execs, etc., are trying to achieve/want but likewise I'd have to be a complete moron not to have gained any insight at all after doing this for 20 years! You on the other hand have far greater insight into the world of commercial production and distribution even though according to you, you are an amateur and therefore have no experience of the commercial world of film production/distribution beyond various meetings where you tried to sell your self described "amateur" film.
APE, you've called me ignorant and a troll ...
To be honest I'm not certain that you are a troll. However, some of you assertions patently are ignorant and by defending the trolls you certainly appear to be putting yourself in their camp!
Having gatekeepers not only keep scammers at bay, they educate the naive and newbies amongst us.... Nobody here is brave to speak the truth and we're doing filmmakers a diservice.
At the risk of feeding the troll: Sorry, I got it all wrong, I didn't realise you are a brave, truth speaking gatekeeper keeping all the scammers at bay for us poor defenceless filmmakers. Just a few questions though:
1. What truth are you speaking? What evidence do you have that the OP was a scammer?
2. How "brave" is it to be rude, cast aspersions and run someone off this board from behind your keyboard when you don't even have a horse in the race?
3. If you're going to close the gate on anyone who claims to be a distributor or film buyer, regardless of whether there is any evidence they are a scammer or not, what is the point of a gatekeeper? You just lock the gate against any distributors/buyers, you don't need a gatekeeper for a permanently locked gate!
4. Who appointed you the gatekeeper?
If the OP is truly on the up and up, he'll find a way to pass muster with gatekeepers.
You just don't get it do you? It's up to the seller of a product to pass the buyer's "muster", NOT the other way around! If you go into a shop, car sales room or anywhere else which sells products, do you have to pass the sales assistant's "muster"
before you're allowed to peruse the products and decide if there's anything you want to buy? If you were asked to prove your credentials by publicly divulging commercially or personally sensitive information before you were even allowed to see the products, let alone decide if you want to buy any of them, you would be disgruntled and walk out. Pissing off potential buyers this way is commercial suicide, who wants to buy a product from a company/organisation/community who is deliberately trying to commit commercial suicide and who would even be stupid enough to commit this type of commercial suicide in the first place? You, apparently! Are you really this naive/stupid, or do you just think that we're all stupid enough to believe your horseshit excuse for trolling? The exact same goes for Mussoman's last pathetic: "I'm helping the community, I'm the victim of negativity", object lesson in the art of hypocrisy!
By association you are painting everyone here with your rude, commercially suicidal stupidity, which is why you urgently need to STFU!!