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watch Security Cam Footage of Stephenie Meyer PITCHING TWILIGHT

I've got to agree with Wheat. I got 'the joke' within a minute and there was no way I was hanging around to watch another 13 minutes of that.

I was actually expecting it to be almost over because I hadn't looked at how long it was before hand! It's an amusing concept and it's quite well executed but that should be a Peter Jackson-esque extended cut...
Valid points, guys. Thanks for the feedback.

We only have one camera at the moment, so it was shot in two different setups, and with just the two angles it was very hard to match arm placements between cuts - making it difficult to trim out in places even where I might have liked to.

But, again, valid points. Appreciate your time.
I lol'd. :blush:

My fave part was 4:25 to 5:12 :lol:

Overall, far too long as already mentioned.

A shorter, tighter script would have been great. Also, I'm not sold on the so-called surveillance camera look. Why did you do that, instead of a straight-up scene?
. Also, I'm not sold on the so-called surveillance camera look. Why did you do that, instead of a straight-up scene?

Thanks for watching, Zen.

We did it as "security camera footage" because we liked the idea of someone having those few moments of "wait, is this real...no...wait....oh, ok." And overall it just gave it a different quality than a traditional scene would have. This was sort of an blend between mockumentary and straight-up parody. At least that was the idea.
Thanks for watching, Zen.

We did it as "security camera footage" because we liked the idea of someone having those few moments of "wait, is this real...no...wait....oh, ok." And overall it just gave it a different quality than a traditional scene would have. This was sort of an blend between mockumentary and straight-up parody. At least that was the idea.

Yes, but it also limits you to just a few angles. If you're going to make us sit through 13 minutes, at least take us off the tripod and let us roam. Otherwise, there is no cinematic value.
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It's 14, actually ;)

Like I mentioned, we weren't going for a "movie" feel, so the limited cinematography was a very deliberate choice in-keeping with that concept.
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It's 14, actually ;)

Like I mentioned, we weren't going for a "movie" feel, so the limited cinematography was a very deliberate choice in-keeping with that concept.

I think you might be missing the point. 14 minutes is a long time to be stagnate, especially for a "parody".