Tools to Get Started
On Mediafire, I have a few files that may help you.
This is a Word 7 template file: Format.dotx
You will also hear mention of a free application called CeltX and various screenwriting software programs. They are quite powerful but not essential to getting started. However, professionals will often use these specialized products because they do offer some powerful features. The British Writers Guild also offers a free Word template which is quite sophisticated (Smart Gold). Frankly, like the packages mentioned above, it is overkill for just getting started. However, you don't need Word, just a word processor for which you can set margins.
Two files that provide very useful guidance about applying the screenplay format:
(Courtesy of the British Screenwriting Group)[1].pdf[1].pdf
And a useful file for writing a solid script:
(I found this on the Internet by John Winston Rainey and it is very sound advice.) STYLE THAT SELLS2.ppt
The first will help you format your basic script. The middle two will help you understand the conventions and underlying mechanics of scriptwriting. The last will address many of the common errors that you will often see in scripts.
Please note that most first scripts need extensive revision. Often because you are trying to tell a good story in a limited amount of space. When properly formatted, one page is approximately one minute on screen. So most scripts are between 90-120 pages (1 1/2- 2 hours). Some exceptional scripts will run to 150 pages (2 1/2 hours) but those are increasingly rare.
These cover the basic mechanics and structure of screenwriting. The other component, of course, is the actual crafting or storytelling. If you read through this group, you will gather ideas and pointers.
Best wishes on your project!