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Screening at the LA International ShortsFest!

My first short film, "Arc," will be screening at the Los Angeles International Short Film Festival Thursday night, September 8, at 10:15PM. The screening will be held at the incredible ArcLight Cinemas on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.

We're appearing in a block of films with five or six other shorts, under the heading "Voices In Your Head"...heh. Almost as fun as Victoria's "Neurosis-A-Go-Go" block we were a part of back in February.

The LAShortsFest is an Academy Award qualifying festival, so we'd appreciate any extra attendence and support. Cast and crew from the film will be available for Q&A after the screening, and there is still a slight chance of an after-party with some of the soundtrack bands, but that's looking less likely.

Please join us for "Arc at the ArcLight"!

And feel free to email me with questions...about the screening. I don't know who won the 1968 World Series.

steve gelder
Congrats! My film was in this fest last year.

And... Detroit Tigers.
That's awesome. :cool:

If I don't have class that night, I'll be there.

(That was one heck of a basketball game, btw)