Russel Crowe is the best actor to ever live.

"Gladiator" is super badass. "Master and Commander" is supremely underrated. "3:10 to Yuma" is perhaps the best remake ever made. And "Cinderella Man" is just plain inspiring. I love Russel Crowe.

I'm curious how Zensteve feels about all this. :)
You're in luck because he's playing the older Jake in Avatar 2.


I'm back for a bit.
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Russel is by far underrated.

I'll never forget when the lady who criticizes all the dresses and tuxes at the Academy Awards (the old one who sounds like she's smoked for 100 years) called him Fat. On live TV. "Russel Crowe is fat".


I thought Robin Hood was good, too.

3:10 though, was by far one of my favorites.

Gladiator takes the cake, though. It's what put him on the map.
I actually don't like Russell Crowe. I think he's a douche bag. He is a good actor sure, but not the kind that makes you go "Wow. No one else could have played that part."
Just my opinion.
What's with the off-topicness?

Maybe you guys don't know of a little something called wifi.

I wanted to make sure you guys didn't burn the place down with poor jokes.

Be listening for my tracks.
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Furthermore, I will take your non-denial as further proof that you are indeed Team Jacob!

lol I'm a free agent who never got drafted to that league.

But anyway. It's going well on that job, Dready. The weather is nice, too.

Alrighty. I'm out -

I'll stop by later in the week to make you guys laugh some more and help some poor sap who asks what microphone he can buy with 10 bucks.

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Please... One has messy hair and the other has to spray himself (and it's not bug spray) all day...

Talk to you later
Russell Crowe is a great actor but Robin Hood was bad. The action sequences were so horrible it ruined the rest of the movie. I loved Gladiator , Cinderella Man, and A Beautiful Mind. Master and Commander was good too. Some other movies have not be as good though like Body of Lies. I think he is a great actor he just needs the right film to be in.
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Confession time. I don't actually think Russel Crowe is the best actor to ever live. I was just trying to bait Zensteve, my favorite friendly nemisis! :) Alas, my dastardly plan seems to have gone unnoticed.

Russel Crowe is cool. He's not the best. My favorite, for real? I think it's pretty tough to shake a stick at Tom Hanks. Actress? Oh, God, do I ever love Hilary Swank!
There are a ton of great actors out there. I like Russel but I think I like some others more like Leonardo Dicaprio, Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr., etc...
Russell is no Oldman.

Russell is no Day-Lewis.

Russell is no Hopkins.

Russell is no Deniro.

Russell is no Nicholson.


And that's just the guys!

I like Russell...I do. But he's not the best. :) I know I know...that's subjective opinion...but even's not true. lol.

Cheers mate.
Heath Ledger should be on the list just for the job he did on Dark Night. He was amazing for that roll. I think Sam Worthington is going to be a huge star now that he did Avatar, Terminator Salvation, and Clash of the Titans. I think Sam has a great presence in the films and my be the next huge thing for some time.
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I have Oldman on the top of my short list too. I mean who else could pull of that character in the 5th Element and not look like a complete buffoon!
