Round #2 Winners

A drumroll, please...

First off, congratulations to all three films and their creators.

Winner of the "Audience Choice" is...

"Sometimes They Come Loose" - The people have spoken, and it is voter-approved!

Well done, Creative Name Filmgroup. A copy of "Blowing Stuff Up #1" will be on its way shortly.


That was the easy one... next comes:

Winner of the "Judges' Choice" is...

Here's where I "ahem" and "hurr" and waffle a bit.

While this idea seemed pretty clever at the time, it didn't quite work as smoothly as anticipated. There is going to be no clear decisive single winner for this, as I have not heard back from half of the volunteers. That makes adding up the grand scores impossible. Sorry, folks.

Not wanting to let such a prestigious award slip away into the ether, though, and considering the incredible amount of time, talent, skill and networking that all three placed into their films, I think it only fair to acknowledge the effort put into every eligible entry... and to declare them all to be Winners.

"Curse of the Invisible Man" - A Phillips' Film
"Sometimes They Come Loose" - Creative Name Filmgroup
"Constant Time" - A CootDog Production

Keep an eye on that mailbox for your copies of "Blowing Stuff Up #2".


Winner of "Best Original Score" comes next...

...and the above is the same, here.

Mr SourMonkey and Mr Florian Linckus put their hearts into their respective scores, and both did a superb job. Both had very different sounds, both were very effective in their emotive effect.

Missing half the judge-scores, it is only right to lavish some laurels upon the both of them and applaud their contributions to their films.

"Sometimes They Come Loose" - Creative Name Filmgroup
"Curse of the Invisible Man" - A Phillips' Film

"Soundpool Collection 3" will be on its way this weekend.


Banners & video overlays will be uploaded tonight, for the winners, as well. Very handy for cluttering up websites, impressing the internet and popping into video-trailers.

And now to get a large bottle of rum, and a straw. I'm broke after this.

And if you have any comments/questions on the judge-thing, PM or E-mail me. Don't fuss up on the board.
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:clap: Congrats to winners and participants!
sorry for not getting my scores in on time my internet was down.if any film makers would like my rateings on there films pm me.
Zensteve said:

Banners & video overlays will be uploaded tonight, for the winners, as well. Very handy for cluttering up websites, impressing the internet and popping into video-trailers.

Just wondering where these are... did I miss them? :huh:
I had to get Zen to email them to me ... he probably would have responded to you by now, but I think he's out of town or something.
