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watch Retro World

Hey guys, I released a video I'm really proud of today. It was probably the longest I've spent on editing a video. I usually don't have the patience. I get tired of seeing the same footage over and over lol. But anyways, I pushed through it and finally finished it. It's not perfect. If I had the patience to go back and redo it I would have shot it at a higher shutter rate and used another 3d tracker. You'll notice a few spots where the track is less than perfect. Nonetheless... check it out and let me know what you think.

Retro World

Keep in mind, it was pretty much freestyled. Filmed in a couple of hours with no real concrete idea in mind so there isn't much of a story or anything. More than anything, it was a medium for me to practice some visual effects.
Highly entertaining! I enjoyed watching it and the ending was certainly satisfying. If you'd like my tiny criticisms just let me know.
Thanks for watching it! Sure. That's why I post it on here. I can't post it on here and not expect criticism. Most people on here are more professional than me lol. I bet I share most of the same criticisms on it you might have though.
The part where your character stops and smoke a cigarette would have made more sense if you had placed a sign that said "LEVEL TWO" and maybe a timer counting down until that next level starts.
Fun graphics (love retro-gaming), but it gets old fast.

no real concrete idea in mind so there isn't much of a story or anything

A-ha! This might have something to do with it. ;)

How did you go about setting up your 3D trackers? Use anything on set, or all in post?

How long did it take to make all those art assets? Pretty cool stuff.

redo it I would have shot it at a higher shutter rate

How would this have helped?

What's next on the retro-gaming front? :cool:
The part where your character stops and smoke a cigarette would have made more sense if you had placed a sign that said "LEVEL TWO" and maybe a timer counting down until that next level starts.

That's actually a really good idea. Why didn't I think of that. You probably realize the only reason we cut it there is because Keith couldn't remember everything in one take. Originally I wanted to do the whole "course" in one take but without any prior choreography we soon found out that was impossible. But I wish I would've done that instead of the cigarette. The cigarette didn't make any sense but it was the only thing I could come up with lol. Thanks though man. Good advice.
How did you go about setting up your 3D trackers? Use anything on set, or all in post?

How long did it take to make all those art assets? Pretty cool stuff.

How would this have helped?

What's next on the retro-gaming front? :cool:

-I'm going to make a video about the fx breakdown later. We didn't use anything on set for tracking. It was all in post. Getting a good track was hard.

-All the 3d stuff, I used took about 2-3 weeks to model. I used 3DS max. I could've done it faster but I'm not great at 3d modelling so I spent a lot of time just learning how to model. All the 2D characters didn't take nearly as long. I just used sprites gathered online and touched them up some and animated them using photoshop. Very boring and tedious process though. Each character and animation took probably about an hour or 2 to get it just right.

-If I would've shot a a higher shutter rate, it would've cut down on the motion blur which would've helped a lot at getting a better, more accurate track.

-Haha. Well I don't have any retro gaming things planned. We have an original video we just finished filming that I'm stoked about. (fun fact: we had 8 cop cars show up while on set to see what we were doing. the scene involved a guy hanging himself at a cemetary) But as far as game videos are concerned... we're talking about doing a video based on Infamous. But if you got any ideas for us that'd be GREAT!

Thanks for checking it out and showing interest man!
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That's actually a really good idea. Why didn't I think of that. You probably realize the only reason we cut it there is because Keith couldn't remember everything in one take. Originally I wanted to do the whole "course" in one take but without any prior choreography we soon found out that was impossible. But I wish I would've done that instead of the cigarette. The cigarette didn't make any sense but it was the only thing I could come up with lol. Thanks though man. Good advice.

I think the cigarette is in a strange way, clever. The reason for him smoking a cigarette are what make it more interesting and even funny. The sign and a timer could have added to the humor especially if he pulls out the cigarette, goes to light it and the timer pops up: 5,4,3,... then he bangs the timer it jumps to 20 seconds and he lights his tasty smoke, takes a few relaxed drags ,and carry ons. Just an idea. Also put a sign in at the beginning of the Street Fighter scene.
I think the cigarette is in a strange way, clever. The reason for him smoking a cigarette are what make it more interesting and even funny. The sign and a timer could have added to the humor especially if he pulls out the cigarette, goes to light it and the timer pops up: 5,4,3,... then he bangs the timer it jumps to 20 seconds and he lights his tasty smoke, takes a few relaxed drags ,and carry ons. Just an idea. Also put a sign in at the beginning of the Street Fighter scene.

Dang! Man. I wish I would've done that. That really is a great idea. I might have to include that next time I do something like this. And I'm thinking about doing something like this again soon. I just need some more clever ideas to make it original and different from this one. So if you got any ideas that'd be great.
Dang! Man. I wish I would've done that. That really is a great idea. I might have to include that next time I do something like this. And I'm thinking about doing something like this again soon. I just need some more clever ideas to make it original and different from this one. So if you got any ideas that'd be great.

The idea of "Retro World 2" intrigues me and I would be happy to write it for you or collaborate.

I have plenty of ideas, but in the end your ideas will always be the best because they're yours.
The idea of "Retro World 2" intrigues me and I would be happy to write it for you or collaborate.

I have plenty of ideas, but in the end your ideas will always be the best because they're yours.

Hey man, email me your ideas. I'd definitely like to see what kind of things you have in mind. Looking for original and creative stuff. I'll definitely take them into consideration. Like if I could go back and redo it, I would've definitely included the sign thing for this one. And of course you'd be credited for any ideas of yours. Or if you have any ideas for a collab. I'm all ears. If you have any other ideas for other videos I'd love to hear them.

You can email me at indyriot@gmail.com or facebook me at facebook.com/yungpinoy