RES Magazines - free!

Once upon a time, long, long ago, in a land far, far away, digital filmmaking was a thing. Before we all had 4k phones and star trek computers that could write, shoot and edit our films for us, there was 'filmmaking' and then there was a bunch of weird kids and artists and other assorted ne'r do wells who were pushing the limits of what could be done with this newfangled digital technology.

Back in those primitive times we would make an annual pilgrimmige to RESFest to scare ourselves as the latest digital trains rolled onto the screen before us. In the long cold months between the festivals we kept ourselves warm by the glow of candle light reflecting off the pages of RES 'magazine' (a primitive form of analog computer used to disseminate text and images).

While preparing to move I unearthed a cache of these 'magazines' that I had placed in stasis for future reference. My first impulse was to leave them preserved in stasis, but upon reflection I've decided it's time to let go of the past and these relics. However, I just can't bring myself to leave them to the same fate as the old playboys, horse race programs, and newspapers that I've already sent to be pulped and re-used in some sort of flat pack nordic furniture. There's simply too much inspiration and innovation within these pages for them to end up as a flimsy end table.


So here's the deal - I'll send them to whoever wants them for free, with the stipulation that once you're done with them you have to pass them on to someone else from Indietalk. If there's a whole lot of interest I'll split them up into 4-5 packages and spread them around.

Who's interested?
I'd potentially be very interested in this, and would be happy to be part of a chain sending these around on Indietalk.

I'm the editor and publisher of a student print publication called 'Strike Magazine' that publishes all sorts of stuff related to films and music, so naturally, I absolutely love print media, and I love reading physical magazines. (I even buy them just to learn from their designs to implement into my own, you should see my stack of Rolling Stones ten years worth high ;)

Let me know how you want to go about doing this, I'd be happy to receive a couple, read em' and ship them off to someone else here.
Glad you guys are interested! PM me with your shipping addresses and I'll send things out this weekend.

If anyone else wants some let me know by saturday - I'll divide them up based on the number of people interested by then.
I'm not finding an online repository of scanned PDF back-issues anywhere. Do they need digital archiving? I'd scan 'em up, if that was needed. Of course, if RES have an archive of their own already, then never mind. :)

I'm not finding an online repository of scanned PDF back-issues anywhere. Do they need digital archiving? I'd scan 'em up, if that was needed. Of course, if RES have an archive of their own already, then never mind. :)

As far as I'm aware there's no archive anywhere. RES Fest ended pretty abruptly around 2006 in the middle of their 10-year anniversary world tour, not sure exactly what happened. The magazine just stopped coming, and the website was up for a little longer but never got updated after that. The last year of the magazine wasn't as good - it seemed to be transitioning into more of a lifestyle mag, I think it was just struggling to remain relevant in a world where there was no longer any distinction between 'digital media' and any other kind of media.

I got addresses from two people - Lucky & Beatlesfan - so I'll split the mags and send them off today before I head east. When you two are done with them maybe you two can coordinate with Zensteve to pass them on for digitizing.
I got addresses from two people - Lucky & Beatlesfan - so I'll split the mags and send them off today before I head east. When you two are done with them maybe you two can coordinate with Zensteve to pass them on for digitizing.

Absolutely. Beatlesfan, PM me your address and I will send my half to you when I finish and you can send me yours. Then we each send them to ZenSteve.
Absolutely. Beatlesfan, PM me your address and I will send my half to you when I finish and you can send me yours. Then we each send them to ZenSteve.

Sounds good to me! I want to get these shared around, so I'll probably go on a reading splurge when I receive them and knock them out in a day or two, then I'll ship mine on over to you!

Once I get yours, I'll do the same, and then send those on over to ZenSteve!
As an update for this thread - I have received 10 of the magazines - As soon as I finish with them (Ideally within the week) I'll send my half off to Lucky.

I believe after we exchange the plan is to send them off to Zensteve
Hey Everyone,

I apologize for my lateness on these magazines, I recently moved so everything was a bit of a jumble. I'm going to the Post Office tomorrow to ship mine out, though.

Lucky, do you still want my ten? I didn't get any from you, so I hope they didn't get lost, or you may have sent them to Zensteve instead. If you also haven't shipped them yet, just shoot them straight to Zen; I'm afraid I may not have time to read ten more.

If you no longer want them, I'll send them straight to Zen. Let me know!

The magazines were certainly very interesting and beneficial! Thanks for the opportunity to take a look at them!