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watch Repo Session - a 48 hour film

"Repo Session" is my team's latest 48 hour film project, for the 2011 San Francisco competition:


We've done quite a few of these but due to busy schedules this time we came in totally unprepared and down a few team members... we didn't want to bail on the competition though so this is our equivalent of 'phoning it in'. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the way it came out, especially considering how little time we really put into it (maybe 12-15 hours?) , and we got a great reaction from the audience at the screening so overall I'm pretty happy with it.

It does feature a surprise appearance by the lead character from a film we made several years ago, which is probably really confusing to the rest of the world who hasn't seen it - here's the origin of that character:

Thanks everyone!

Nice haha. What were the required elements?

Chalk, a Debt Collector, and the line "Do you have any questions?". We also drew the "Romance" genre, although we clearly played a little fast and loose with our interpretation of that...

It was alright to watch, sure. Not much of a fan of straight-forward comedy, but what was there was enjoyable to watch :)

Yeah, we figured regardless of whether it turned out funny or not the audience would enjoy watching. Well, at least half the audience, that is.
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Just found out we are a finalist for the audience choice award, and got nominated for best editing, cinematography and production design... not bad considering we really didn't expect to be competitive this time around at all. And the last one - our 'production design' meeting on friday night went something like this:

"Did I mention I bought a van?"

"No, what kind?"

"Here's some photos..."

"You bought a Shaggin' Wagon!?! That has to be in the movie!"