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Renegade Cinema Call for Entries

If it is worth making it is worth watching!

Renegade Cinema is a new online company looking to distribute quality unsigned independent feature films of all genres. We are also looking to distribute compilations of short films. Submit your film today. The first 30 films receive six months of distribution for free.
For more information go to:
We look forward to distributing your film!
'sup, good RenegadeCinema :cool:

I took a look at the website, and was unable to find any of the information I was looking for. Hopefully you can clarify the following:

  • Filmmakers have to pay a monthly fee for distribution? How much... and why?
  • According to the site, the filmmaker gets a cut of sales. How much?

I'm a bit confused by the whole thing. Thanks in advance for straightening it out.

Hi Zensteve,

Thank you for you interest in Renegade Cinema!

As a filmmaker who is considering allowing us to distribute your movie you must have many questions about the Renebage Cinema. Although we are limited for ow on the information we can provide until we launch here are some more answers:

WHY do I have to pay for distribution?
1) Because Renegade Cinema is going to replicate, ship and promote YOUR film.
2) Because we're the only site that will make YOUR film available for rental and purchase.
3) Because YOUR film will be featured on our independent film destination site.
4) Because YOUR film will be included in our nation-wide promotional efforts.
5) Because Renegade Cinema will provide unmatched exposure of YOUR film to the general public.
6) Because this will allow you to actually make money if the public responds to YOUR film.

Some more reasons:

The chances of a film getting national distribution from a major Hollywood group is very small. Hollywood distributed 453 films last year and of those film 5% were "indie" and almost all the indie films had a name actor.

Renegade Cinema was created in order to give films that otherwise would not be seen by the general public a place to be distributed. Also, it's a great way to create buzz for some great films
The filmmaker gets a cut of all DVD sales. The price of the DVD is set by the filmmaker
We're in this together but we ask you to pull your weight by helping to fund the promotiuonal effort that it will take to sell large numbers of your film and others on Renegade.

So go head and submit, and if you are among the first 30 qualifying films then you won't have to pay for initial info anyway. If you are not among the first 30, you will be notified and a breakdown of distribution costs will be sent to you. You can then decide whether or not Renegade Cinema is right for you.

We hope to make you a Renegade!
A very interesting idea.

For the next 8 months I’m hitting the festivals, many of which require that I not have distribution to be included. So I am not eligible for your free offer. However, after that I’m very interested in your distribution plan.

I still have a few questions:

1) How much are you planning to charge the filmmaker each month?
2) Will you be distributing our movies in stores - or is it only on line?
3) This “unmatched exposure” is what we all need. How are you planning to market our movies to the public?

I understand the need for us filmmakers to shoulder some of the promotion costs - and the idea seems reasonable - but before I’m willing to enter a business partnership I need to know how much money is being spent.

I have shouldered the entire cost of completing my movie and I’m not opposed to continuing to spend money to get my movie out there. Just want to know what you business plan is.

I wish I could get in on the first six months...
Hi directorik:

While we are not releasing all details of the marketing plan to nonsubscribers, here are some aspects to give you an idea of the planned promotional plan:
--each film will be featured at least once on the Renegade Cinema homepage in the form of either a director's interview, a making-of story on the film or a feature on the director/cast/crew.
--films will be featured as part of a multimillion dollar Renegade Cinema national marketing campaign.
--films will be included in "mobile marketing efforts" at film festivals and college campuses nationwide

While Renegade Cinema's business plan is unavailable to the public because it is a privately held company, detailed marketing plans will be provided to the first 30 qualifying submissions and to every filmmaker who signs up to Renegade Cinema.

You might want to also double check your agreements with the film festivals because Renegade Cinema will likely not meet the definition of a "distributor" under their terms, which would free you up to submit your film.

Renegade Cinema is a site by filmmakers for filmmakers. We want everyone to have a shot at their creation being seen by the general public, not just small audiences at regional film festivals.