Excellent job.
All around I don't have much I can say negative.
One issue I had was the lack of camera movement. Now don't get me wrong, I feel almost 96% of the shots were fine for this piece. But if you see in most television and even films you will see at the end of a scene and/or a dramatic situation the camera will slightly move forward on a subject. When she said she didn't have an orgasm but only twice that would have been the perfect time for a dramatic pull in to put the male character on the spot. Then in the next scene cleaning the toilet I would have had the camera moving closer to him as he cleans the toilet and speaks of the stimulus package. Instead you have the camera sitting still and his head goes down in defeat (which is okay too but less attractive (IMO)).
Also, I don't think most guys are into reality shows, I feel they are geared more toward women. Not ALL of them, but most. So watching that much reality TV for this guy just confused me. I would have used sports instead.
But beyond that, everything is fantastic for this little short. Hat off to you and the crew and keep up the good work.
EDIT: Excellent effects by the way.....