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watch "Red Rising" Power Ranger Short Film



I just wanted to pop in and share with you our Power Rangers Fan Film.

Behind the Scenes Photos are available at PlanetariumPictures

Heres the skinny:
It's been 5 years since the last alien invasion, the Rangers have since split up and now live normal lives... Up until today. They each received a familiar call about unidentified beings set to strike earth in less then 48 hours.

While Jason, The Red Ranger, is on his way to the HQ, he discovers a few street thugs up to no good. He decides to get warmed up after his 5 year hiatus... however, nothing could prepare him for what's heading his way.

From our Director Shawn Shaman
"We wanted to create a fresh take on the Rangers universe, with a modernized look and feel. The audience that grew up watching MMPR are now watching films like The Avengers, Iron Man, Batman Begins, Dark Knight... While those films come from very different extremes (some comic films light, and others dark), we tried to find a middle ground between them. For an example, we weren't going to kill any kids in this. Rangers aren't meant to be one extreme, or the other, in our opinion. There have been so many different story lines, we don't think there is a definitve version. Just an alternate universe, all of which kick butt in their own way.

How could we ground MMPR with all their larger then life characters without making it dull? All the above in mind, we put together something we have with the very LIMITED resources we have. We weren't working on a set, and definitely didn't have a budget to work with."

Not a lot of content, in your 4 minute short.

First minute is opening credits, and dude on a bike. Final minute is pretty much end credits, with a couple seconds last-minute look at some non-action. The middle wasn't too hot.

Acting was lethargic. Expected to see some ridiculously over-the-top sfx to compensate, but I was disappointed there too. A pseudo power suit interior, with what looks like an Iron Man hud from some tutorial is not enough.

Definitely needed some extra dinosaur power. :yes:

Do you intend on making more of these? I'd totally watch a decent fan-made series of this. You've picked a well-established franchise to tackle (20th anniversary coming up!), and there's a lot of assumed expectations & baggage for something like this.
As stated above, you wasted 52sec of a 3min 51sec film on an intro and a guy riding a motorcycle. This would had been the perfect place to give the viewer some background info, the skinny as you posted here, in order for the viewer to get a sense of what is going on.

Also the fighting was lethargic, incredibly boring. I would highly recommend watching some choreography tutorials on YouTube. I would recommend looking up "Shahuyen Productions", they have some really easy to follow tutorials.

Another thing I didn't quite get is why did the ranger suck so much without the costume? Was it that way in the original show? It's been awhile and I can't remember.

I like the idea of a grown ups MMPR, and it seems like you could achieve that with the right amount of extra attention, I just wished you had spend a bit more time on this one.

Good luck and have fun with your future endeavors :)
yea the acting wasnt good, but thats what we get when we ask our friends for a favor.

we plan on making more of these but its not our next project. the next thing we have in the pipeline is gonna destroy this one quality wise. we actually have Sound gear, lights, and the new Canon C100.

cant wait to show you guys. we are filming in June and it should be released by the end of August.