Hi again!
I'm Margo Macabee. Kinda forgot I joined in July, but got a membership last night. Glad I did, too! Lots of good stuff from
clive, filmy, knightly and quite a few more over on those pages. I've read halfway through the screenwriters threads this morning. I'm cross-eyed, dizzy and my fanny went numb, but in a good way. I reread my first intro, man was I lying to you and myself!
My screenplay was so not 'tight and tidy' And I do know I have plenty of work to do on it. Must say the posts I've read here have been very helpful to what I'm about to do to my script for this next rewrite. I screwed some stuff up royally but some stuff is top notch. Kinda nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hope it's not a train coming...
Don't mind me lurking until I get comfy with the program over here. I look forward to completely abusing my membership.
JK, I'll be good...
Happy Halloween.
Be well,
Margo Macabee

Happy Halloween.
Be well,
Margo Macabee