Question about lenses and adapters.

I bought a Canon T2i and am shooting a short film with it. I eventually will use it to shoot a feature film with which I want to submit to festivals and put out on the dvd market. Probably will start shooting it next year once I have the script completely all worked out. How important is it that the film looks like how most other films look? Do I need adapters and certain lenses, or can I just shoot with the standard T2i lenses without an adapter and that will be good enough for film festival standards.
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hum, that thread deals with 35mm adapters for video cameras, not lens adapters for DSLR's there is a WORLD of difference. Using a 35mm DOF adapter on a T2i would be a BACKWARD step.

You can use the KIT lens to great effect, but if you want to you can find OLD lenses from Nikon and other makers (just not canon) that you can ADAPT to fit the EOS mount. Google things like "Nikon to EOS" and "M42 to EOS" ...

Those are the two very simple adapters I have, I have an ancient NIKON 28mm prime lens and a handful of m42 mount type lenses that I can use on my T2i.

These are NOTHING like a LETUS Extreme (which I used for a year with my viaxx hfs100 and just sold to buy a T2i) The letus type "adapaters" are complex devices that allow you to use film and cine lenses on VIDEO CAMERAS with there very small sensors etc. Forget ever hearing about 35mm Adapters, this is backward tech step for you with a T2i.

Still though, I think a letus Elite on the end of a PRO video camera is probably still a better "system" the then T2i but the difference is THOUSANDS of dollars.
The kit lens will be fine till you learn more about DSLR's and lenses.

To leanr more, go to the Cinematography-Lighting and Camera-Lenses sections of indietalk and read threads related to this topic.
Will the kit lenses be fine for shooting a real movie on? I don't want the critics at the film festivals thinking that it's they were taken out of the story, because my film does not have a movie look at all, since I used a T2i kit lense.
Alright. But it's the critics that put the word out about the movie, so they are kind of important. But if it's fine I just might use it without moving to any type of adapter, but who knows.
Once again, the kit lens will be fine.

And you dont need those DOF adapters with a DSLR. You just attach different lenses.
The only adapters you may need would be ones which would attach say a Nikon lens to a Canon body etc.