Projecting 16mm for videoing

I want to record the projection of 16mm film. Whats the best way to do this or sites that tell how to. I've noticed that when some do it there is a flicker.

I'm using the DVX100b. Should I set it at 24p so that its the same as the film?

Is it better to record a large projection area or smaller area? About what size is best?

I think your best bet is to take your edited film and send it to a Telecine lab and get a digital copy. It will be easier and it will look better. It'll just cost you some money.

But if you really just want to shoot the projection, definitely shoot it LARGE. And to get rid of flicker just takes some playing around with manual adjustments.
It's difficult to give you exact dimensions and instructions.

Set up the camera and projector. Attach the camera to a
monitor. Run the film.

Then adjust the settings on the camera while you watch
the monitor. Try several different settings including 24p
and different shutter speeds. Change the size of the projected
image and try different settings on the camera. with a little
time and work you'll find the setting that works best for
your equipment.
The flicker comes from the 5 bladed shutter of the projector and the difference it has with the shutter on the video camera. With a true TELECINE, they are precisely synchronized, and shooting it off the wall, the likelihood of getting lucky enough to have a synch may not evne last as they might drift apart during the record, especially at 24P.

Go with a telecine. try I've used them for several shorts and 3 features.