Production Webcams

How many people have webcams set up to show "live" video or pictures on the Internet of your cast and crew working on your projects? I just thought that it might be interesting to be able to see what goes on during production, as it actually happens.
Do you have 2 webcams Steve? You can set up a behind the scenes cam for your webcam flicks. :)
Steve, yes I have been thinking about this for along time. I think I'm going to do it for my next production. As you said I think it would draw in people and just show people what goes on durning production. :)
I could never do that!

Who on earth would want to watch someone chain-smoke ciggies and swill beer? (Giving away the secrets of the trade now, too!)

i dont know if i should advertise or not, im guessing no since it says not to, but my dad sells surveillance cameras, and has this new network video thing, it comes with this small "server" and well its slightly complicated to explain, but you use any camera you want and the box(server thing..) streams it or something..if i can "advertise" or show it to you guys it'd be easier to explain/comprehend.

so, indietalk, if you want i can post a link to his website, provided you allow it, otherwise, delete this post :)